
AEP - Annual Exceedance Probability, of a rainfall event.

ANCOLD - Australian National Committee on Large Dams.

ARI - Average Recurrence Interval, of a rainfall event.

ARR - Australian Rainfall and Runoff

BoM - Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.

CDIRS - Computerised Design IFD Rainfall System.

DAF - Decay Amplitude Factor

EPW - Extreme Precipitable Water

EY - Exceedance per year

GSAM - Generalised Southeast Australia Method, for estimating PMP.

GSDM - Generalised Short Duration Method, for estimating PMP.

GTSM - Generalised Tropical Storm Method, for estimating PMP.

GTSMR - Revised Generalised Tropical Storm Method, for estimating PMP.

IFD - Intensity-Frequency-Duration.

MAF - Moisture Adjustment Factor

PMF - Probable Maximum Flood.

PMP - Probable Maximum Precipitation.

TAF - Topographic Adjustment Factor

WCTas - The storm transposition and maximisation method for estimating PMP in the West Coast of Tasmania

WMO - World Meteorological Organization.

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