
This is a list of the publications related to the design rainfalls and probable maximum precipitation.

While every endeavour has been made to create a comprehensive list of publications, this list is not exhaustive.

Atkinson, R.J. and Stott, H.P. (1983) Testing of Regression Methods for Design Rainfall Information, Unpublished Bureau of Meteorology Work on NSW and Victoria Rainfall Data

Barclay, P.A. (1964) Study of Caboolture Storm, Comparisons of Radar and Rain Gauge Observations, Working Paper 63/1935

Bates B.C., Argueso, D., Evans, J., Green, J., Griesser, A., Jakob, D., Seed, A., Lau, R., Lehmann, E., Phatak, A., Abbs, D., Lavender, S., Nguyen, K., Rafter, T., Thatcher, M., Zheng, F., Westra, S. and Leonard, M. (2015) Preliminary assessment of the impact of climate change on design rainfall IFD curves, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Bates B.C., McLuckie, D., Westra, S., Johnson, F., Green, J., Mummery, J. and Abbs, D. (2015) Australian rainfall and runoff - the interim climate change guideline, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water, Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Beesley, C.A., Meighen, J. and Xuereb, K.C. (2004) Catalogue of Significant Rainfall Occurrences of Tropical Origin over Australia, HRS Report No. 9, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, February 2004, (147 pp).

Beesley, C. and Green, J. (2015), Benchmarking estimates of Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) design rainfalls for the current climate regime, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Brunt, A.T. (1958) Analysis of two Queensland Storms, Proc. Conference on Extreme Precipitation, Melbourne

Brunt, A.T. (1968) Space-Time Relationships of Cyclonic Rainfall in the North-East Australian Region, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Civil Engineering Transactions, Vol. CE10, No. 1, April 1968

Bureau of Meteorology (1960) Estimation of Extreme Precipitation Methods to be used in Bureau of Meteorology Studies, 1960 "Directive"

Bureau of Meteorology (1972) Final Report Woden Valley Storm - 26 January 1971

Bureau of Meteorology (1975) Estimation of Extreme Precipitation, Trenganu River Basin, Malaysia, Unpublished Report for the Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation

Bureau of Meteorology (1976) Extreme Precipitation for Catchments in Java, Unpublished Report for the Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation

Bureau of Meteorology (1985) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia for Short Durations and Small Areas, Bulletin 51, AGPS, Canberra

Bureau of Meteorology (1994) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia: Generalised Short-Duration Method, Bulletin 53, AGPS, Canberra, amended December 1996 and January 2003

Bureau of Meteorology (2003) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia: Generalised Short-Duration Method, GSDM, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, June 2003

Bureau of Meteorology (2004) Guidebook to the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Tropical Storm Method. Guide to the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Tropical Storm Method, Hydrometeorological Advisory Service, Bureau of Meteorology, March 2004.

Bureau of Meteorology (2006) Guidebook to the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Southeast Australia Method. Guide to the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Southeast Australia Method, Hydrometeorological Advisory Service, Bureau of Meteorology, October 2006.

Canterford, R.P. and Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1978) A Generalised Method for estimating the Probable Maximum Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over Australia, International Conference on Tropical Cyclones, 25-29 November 1979

Canterford, R.P. and C.L. Pierrehumbert (1977) Frequency Distributions for Heavy Rainfalls in Tropical Australia, Hydrology Symposium, Brisbane, 28-30 June 1977

Canterford, R.P. and Hall, A.J. (1978?) Design Rainfall Analyses for Australia

Canterford, R.P., Pescod, N.R., Atkinson, R.J., Kennedy, M.R., Hall, A.J., Pearce, H.J. and Turner, L.H. (1985) Rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration Design Curves for Australia, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, 14-16 May 1985

Canterford, R.P., Hutchinson, M.F. and Turner, L.H. (1985) The Use of Laplacian Smoothing Spline Surfaces for the Analysis of Design Rainfalls, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, 14-16 May 1985

Canterford, R.P., Pescod, N.R., Pearce, H.J., Turner, L.H. and Atkinson, R.J. (1987) Frequency Analysis of Australian Rainfall Data as used for Flood Analysis and Design, International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis, May 14-17, 1986, Louisiana State University, Hydrologic Frequency Modelling, 293-302

Canterford, R.P., Pescod, N.R., Pearce, H.J. and Turner, L.H. (1987) Design Intensity-Frequency-Duration Rainfall, Chapter 2, Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation, Institution of Engineers Australia

Canterford, R.P. and Turner, L.H. (1988) Computerised Design Rainfall Information System for Australia, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Australian National University, Canberra, 1-3 Feb. 1988

Farnsworth, N., Turner, L.H. and Pearce, H.J. (1996) Analysis of Antecedent and Subsequent Rainfall, Presented at the Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1996, Wrest Point Hotel Casino, Hobart, Tasmania, 21-24 May 1996. Preprints published by Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, A.C.T., 1996

Finocchiaro, N.J. (1970) Heavy Rainfall on 8 January 1970 at St.Albans, Victoria, Met. Note 47

Fricke, T.J., Kennedy, M.R. and Wellington, N.B. (1983) The Use of Rainfall Correlation in Determining Design Storms for Waterways on a Long Railway Line Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 8-10 Nov. 1983

Green, J.H. Johnson, F.M. and The, C. (2011) Revision of the Short Duration Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) Design Rainfall Estimates for Australia. 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Brisbane 26 June – 1 July 2011.

Green, J.H., Xuereb, X. and Siriwardena, L. (2011), Establishment of a Quality Controlled Rainfall Database for the Revision of the Intensity-Frequency Duration (IFD) Estimates for Australia. Presented at 34th IAHR Congress, Brisbane, Qld, 26 June – 1 July 2011.

Green, J.H., Johnson, J., McKay, D., Podger, P., Sugiyanto, M. and Siriwardena, L. (2012), Quality Controlling Daily Read Rainfall Data for the Intensity-Frequency Duration (IFD) Revision Rainfall Project. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Green, J.H. and Johnson, F.M. (2012) Incorporation of climate change in Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) design rainfall estimates, Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges;Proceedings of the 2nd Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference. Canberra 1-3 may 2012.

Green, J.H., Xuereb, K., Johnson, J., Moore, G. and The, C. (2012), The Revised Intensity-Frequency Duration (IFD) Design Rainfall Estimates for Australia - An Overview. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Green, J.H. (2012), The implications for dam hydrology of the revised design rainfall estimates, ANCOLD 2012, Perth, 24-28 October 2012.

Green, J.H. (2013), The new intensity-frequency-durations (IFD) design rainfall estimates for Australia, Floodplain Management Australia, Tweed Heads May 2013

Green, J., Xuereb, K. and Jolly, C. (2014) Enhancing the new intensity-frequency-duration (IFD) design rainfalls - sub-annual ifds, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014. Perth, WA, 24-27 February 2014.

Green, J. and Johnson, F. (2014). How climate change is currently being incorporated into intensity- frequency-duration (IFD) design rainfall - an overview, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014. Perth, WA, 24-27 February 2014.

Green, J., Johnson, F., Xuereb, K., Beesley, C., The, C. and Jolly, C. (2014) Changes to the Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) design rainfalls across Australia. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014. Perth, WA, 24-27 February 2014.

Green, J.H., Beesley, C., The, C. and Jolly, C. (2014). Design rainfalls – past, present and future. ANCOLD 2014, Canberra 21-22 October 2014.

Green, J.H., Beesley, C. and Podger, S. (2015). Improved rare design rainfalls for Australia, ANCOLD 2015, Brisbane 4-8 November 2015.

Green, J.H., Beesley, C., Frost, A., Podger, S. and The, C. (2015), National Estimates of Rare Design Rainfall. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Green, J., Beesley, C., The, C. and Podger, S. (2015) New design rainfalls for Australia, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Green, J., Beesley, C. and The, C. (2016) New design rainfalls for Australia - lessons learned... 37th Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium 2016: Water, Infrastructure and the Environment, Queenstown, New Zealand, 28 November – 2 December 2016.

Green, J.H., Beesley, C., The, C., Podger, S. and Frost, A. (2016) Comparing CRCFORGE estimates and the new rare design rainfalls, ANCOLD/NZSOLD 2016, Adelaide 17-19 October 2016.

Green, J., Beesley, C. and The, C. (2017), Preparing for the next great flood using new design rainfalls, Floodplain Management Australia national conference, Newcastle 16-19 May 2017.

Green, J.H. and Jolly, C. (2018), Call that an extreme event? Describing the extrememness of an event before, during and after the event. 19th Australian Hydrographers Association conference, Canberra 12-15 November 2018.

Green, J.H. and Jolly, C. (2018), Comparing the new design rainfalls to at-site rainfall frequency curves , 38th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: Water and Communities. Melbourne 3-6 December 2018.

Hall, A.J. (1977) Temporal Patterns of Rainfall Bursts,Australian Rainfall and Runoff - Flood Analysis and Design, Inst. Eng., Aust. 59-63

Hall, A.J. and Kneen, T.H. (1973) Design Temporal Patterns of Storm Rainfall in Australia, Proc. Hydrology Symposium, Inst. Eng. Aust., pp 77-84

Hall, A.J. (1988) Revised Rainfall Patterns, 28th Annual Flood Mitigation Conference, Shoalhaven City Council, 19 May 1988

Hart, T.L. (1981) Survey of Probable Maximum Precipitation Studies using the Synoptic Method of Storm Transposition and Maximisation, Proc. Workshop on Spillway Design, Monash University, Melbourne, 7-9 Oct. 1981, AWRC Conference Series No. 6, AGPS Canberra, 53-63

Hounam, C.E. (1958) Analysis of two Queensland Storms, Proc. Conference on Estimation of Extreme Precipitation, Melbourne

Hounam, C.E. (1957) Maximum possible Rainfall over the Cotter River Catchment, Meteorological Study No. 10

Hounam, C.E. (1959) Estimation of Extreme Precipitation Working Paper 7, Bureau of Meteorology. J. Inst. Eng. Aust., Vol.32, No. 6, pp 113-116.

Isdale, P.J. (1984) Rainfall and Runoff Records in Massive Corals from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 6-8 August 1984, 'Ridgetops', Arkaroola, South Australia, Australian Academy of Science, Bureau of Meteorology

Jakob D., Taylor B.F. and Xuereb K.C. (2005) A Pilot Study to Explore Methods for Deriving Design Rainfalls for Australia - Part 1, HRS Report No. 10, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, June 2005, (59 pp).

Jakob, D., Taylor, B. and Xuereb, K. (2005) A pilot study to explore methods for deriving design rainfalls for Australia, 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, 21-23 February 2005.

Jakob, D., Meighen, J., Taylor, B. and Xuereb, K. (2008) Methods for deriving design rainfall estimates at sub-daily durations, Water Down Under 2008, Adelaide, 14-17 April, 2008.

Jakob, D., Xuereb, K.C., Meighen, J. and Taylor, B.F. (2009) A Pilot Study to Explore Methods for Deriving Design Rainfalls for Australia - Part 2, HRS Report No. 11, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, January 2009, (116 pp).

Jakob, D., Smalley, R., Meighen, J., Xuereb, K.C. and Taylor, B.F. (2009) Climate Change and Probable Maximum Precipitation, HRS Report No. 12, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, March 2009, (179 pp).

Johnson, F.M. and Green. J.H. (2011) Non-stationarity in annual maximum rainfall series – is it an issue for Australian Data, 34th IAHR conference, Brisbane 26 June – 1 July 2011.

Johnson, F., Xuereb, K., Jeremiah, E. and Green, J. (2012), Regionalisation of Rainfall Statistics for the IFD Revision Project. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Johnson, F., Haddad, K., Rahman, A., and Green, J. (2012), Application of Bayesian GLSR to Estimate Sub Daily Rainfall Parameters for the IFD Revision Project. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Johnson, F., Hutchinson, M.F., The, C., Beesley, C. and Green, J. (2016), Topographic relationships for design rainfalls over Australia. Journal of Hydrology 533 pp. 439-451 [online]

Jolly, C., Velasco-Forero, C.A. and Green, J. (2015) Changes to the Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) design rainfalls across Tasmania, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Jolly, C. and Green, J. (2017) Comparing the new rare design rainfall with CRCFORGE estimates, ANCOLD 2017, Hobart 26-27 October 2017.

Karelsky S. (1959) Climatological Study of Kiandra Rainfall, Unpublished.

Kennedy, M.R. (1995) A Survey of Investigations to Convert 5-Minute Rainfall Intensities to Corresponding Values for Shorter Durations, Proc. 2nd. International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management, Melbourne, July 1995

Kennedy, M.R. (1987?) Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation in Australia, Conference on Spillway Design, Warragamba

Kennedy, M.R. (1981) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia - Past and Current Practice, Proc. Workshop on Spillway Design, Monash University, Melbourne,
7-9 Oct. 1981

Kennedy, M.R. (1979) Selection of a Design Storm for Surface Drainage - Methodology and Pertinent Considerations, Pavement Surface Drainage Symposium, Australian Road Research Board, 2-3 May 1979, Sydney, NSW

Kennedy, M.R. (1976) The Probable Maximum Precipitation from the Northeast Monsoon in Southeast Asia, Symposium on Tropical Monsoons, Poona, India, 8-10 September, 1976

Kennedy, M.R. and Canterford, R.P. (1984) Engineering Uses of Rainfall Variability Information - Some Economic Implications, Conference on Australian Rainfall Variability, 6-8 Aug. 1984

Kennedy, M.R. and Hart, T.L. (1984) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia, Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol. CE26, No. 1, 1984, 29-36

Kennedy, M.R. and Hart, T.L. (1982) The Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Melbourne, 11-13 May 1982, AWRC Conference Series No. 6, AGPS, Canberra

Kennedy, M.R. and Hart, T.L. (1979) A Generalised Method for estimating the Probable Maximum Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over Australia, International Conference on Tropical cyclones, 25-29 November 1979

Kennedy, M.R. and Minty, L.J. (1992) A Method for the Derivation of Rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration Data below 5 Minutes, Proc. 1st International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management, Sydney, 4-7 Feb. 1992, 58-63

Kennedy, M.R, Pearce, J., Canterford, R.P., and Minty, L.J. (1988) The Estimation of Generalised Probable Maximum Precipitation in Australia, Proc. Workshop on Spillway Design Floods, Australian National University, Canberra, 4 Feb. 1988, ANCOLD Bulletin No. 79, 6-16

Kennedy, M.R. and Pescod, N.R. (1989) Probability of Occurrence of Extreme Rainfalls and Floods, Final Report on AWRAC Partnership Project P86/33

Kennedy, M.R, Turner, L.H., Canterford, R.P. and Pearce, H.J. (1991) Temporal Distributions Within Rainfall Bursts, HRS Report No. 1, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, September 1991

Meighen, J. and Kennedy, M.R. (1995) Catalogue of Significant Rainfall Occurrences over Southeast Australia, HRS Report No. 3, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, October 1995

Meighen, J. and Minty, L.J. (1998) Temporal Distributions of Large and Extreme Design Rainfall Bursts Over Southeast Australia HRS Report No. 5, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, December 1998

Minty, L.J. and Meighen, J. (1999) Rainfall Antecedent to Large and Extreme Rainfall Bursts Over Southeast Australia HRS Report No. 6, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, December 1999

Minty, L.J. and Meighen, J. (1999) Rainfall Antecedent to Large and Extreme Rainfall Events Over Southeast Australia, PDF (See below if Adobe Acrobat Reader is required), Water '99, 6-8 July 1999, Brisbane, Australia

Minty, L.J., Meighen, J. and Kennedy, M.R. (1996) Development of the Generalised Southeast Australia Method for Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation, HRS Report No. 4, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, August 1996

Pearce, H.J. (1995) Estimation of Extreme Rainfall Events in Australia and the Applicability to Risk, Proceedings of the Seminar on Acceptable Risks for Extreme Events in the Planning and Design of Major Infrastructure, Sydney, 26-27 April 1994

Pearce, H.J. (1994) Notional Annual Exceedance Probabilities of Estimated PMP Events, Water Down Under Conference, 1994, National Conference Publication No. 95/15

Pearce, H.J. (1994) Estimation of Extreme Rainfall Events in Australia and the Applicability to Risk Analysis, ANCOLD Seminar on Acceptable Risks for Extreme Events in the Planning and Design of Major Infrastructure, Sydney, 26-27 April 1994

Pearce, H.J. (1993) A History of PMP Application for the Warragamba Dam Catchment, Australian Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol. CE35, No. 2, 131-139, June 1993

Pearce, H.J. and Kennedy, M.R. (1993/94) Generalised Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation Methods for Australia,
Proc. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Newcastle, June 30 - July 2, 1993,
Australian Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol. CE36, No. 2, Apr. 1994

Pescod, N.R. (1987) A Method of Interpolating and Extrapolating Estimates of Rainfall Intensities with respect to Duration

Pescod, N.R. (1985) The Use of Principal Components and Smoothed Standard Deviations in Rainfall Intensity Analysis

Pescod, N.R. (1976) Estimating the Frequency of Extreme Rainfall and other Meteorological Events of Highly Skewed Probability Function, Poster session paper at the Royal Met. Soc. Conference on Climate and Climatic Change, Melbourne, Dec. 1976

Pescod, N.R. and Canterford, R.P. (1985) Expected Probability as Applied to Rainfall Statistics in Australia, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, 14-16 May 1985

Pescod, N.R and Canterford, R.P. (1979) Frequency of Extreme Rainfall Events using a General Three-Parameter Extremal Distribution Model, Technical Report 30, Bureau of Meteorology,
Feb. 1979

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1977) Chapter 2, Australian Rainfall and Runoff: Flood Analysis and Design, Institution of Engineers Australia

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1974) Use of Rainfall Intensity Data as Provided in the Revised "Australian Rainfall and Runoff", Australian Road Research Board, 7th Conference, Adelaide, 1974

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1974) A Comparison of Short-Duration, Small-Area Rainfall Depths Recorded in Some Australian Thunderstorms with United States Data, Internal Bureau of Meteorology Document

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1974) Point Rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration Data, Capital Cities, Bureau of Meteorology, Bulletin No. 49

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1972) Short Period Rainfall Intensity Analysis, Working Paper 156, Bureau of Meteorology

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1972) Rainfall Probabilities over Adjoining Small Catchments, Working Paper 160, Bureau of Meteorology, Dec 1972

Pierrehumbert, C.L. (1970) Rainfall Intensity, AWRC Seminar on Mathematical Modelling in Hydrology, Canberra, 25-27 November 1970

Pierrehumbert, C.L., and Canterford, R.P. (1975) Frequency Distributions for Queensland Heavy Rainfalls, Symposium, Queensland Division, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Brisbane, pp 2.1-2.23.

Pierrehumbert, C.L., and Canterford, R.P. (1975) The Frequency of Floods in Queensland, Technical Paper No. 2, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Queensland Division

Pierrehumbert, C.L. and Kennedy, M.R. (1981) The Use of Adjusted United States Data to Estimate Probable Maximum Precipitation, Proc. Workshop on Spillway Design, Monash University, Melbourne, 7-9 Oct. 1981, AWRC Conference Series No. 6, AGPS, Canberra, 64-72

Pilgrim, D.H., Kennedy, M.R., Rowbottom, I.A., Cordery, I., Canterford, R.P. and Turner, L.H. (1987) Temporal Patterns of Rainfall Bursts, Chapter 3, Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation, Institution of Engineers Australia, 1987

Podger, S., Green, J., Stensmyr, P. and Babister, M. (2015) Combining long and short duration areal reduction factors. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Podger, S., Green, J., Jolly, C., The, C. and Beesley, C. (2015) Creating long duration areal reduction factors. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Rainbird, A.F. (1959) Studies in Snowy Mountains Rainfall Patterns, Unpublished

Rakhecha, P.R. and Kennedy, M.R. (1985) A Generalised Technique for the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in India, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 78, 1985, 345-359

Rowbottom, I.A., Pilgrim, D.H., Kennedy, M.R., and Cordery, I. (1986) Suitability of ARR Rainfall Temporal Patterns for Design Flood Estimation, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1986, Griffith University, Brisbane, 25-27 November 1986

Scott, A. (1981) PMP Estimation in Western Australia, First Special Meteorologist Series Conference, Melbourne, 5-9 October 1981, Bureau of Meteorology Report, pp 4-5

Srikanthan, R. and Kennedy, M.R. (1991) Rainfall Antecedent to Storm Bursts from which Temporal Patterns were Derived for "Australian Rainfall and Runoff", International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Perth 2-4 Oct. 1991

Srikanthan, R. and Stewart, B.J. (1992) Analysis of Australian Rainfall and Rainday Data with Respect to Climate Variability and Change, HRS Report No. 2, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, February 1992

Srikanthan, R. (1995) A Review of the Methods for Estimating Areal Reduction Factors for Design Rainfall, Report 95/3, Co-operative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Australia

The, C., Johnson, F., Hutchinson, M., and Green, J. (2012), Gridding of Design Rainfall Parameters for the IFD Revision Project for Australia. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

The, C., Hutchinson, M., Johnson, F., Beesley, C. and Green, J. (2014) Application of ANUSPLIN to produce new intensity-frequency-duration (IFD) index rainfalls across Australia. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014. Perth, WA, 24-27 February 2014.

The, C., Beesley, C., Podger, S., Green, J., Jolly, C. and Hutchinson, M. (2015), Very frequent design rainfalls - an enhancement to the new IFDs. 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water. Hobart 7-10 December 2015.

Walland D.J., Meighen J., Xuereb K.C., Beesley C.A. and Hoang T.M.T. Revision of the Generalised Tropical Storm Method for Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation, HRS Report No. 8, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, August 2003, (78 pp).

Walpole, J. (1951) Maximum Possible Rainfall over Australia, Proceedings of Conference on Estimation of Extreme Precipitation, Melbourne, April 22-24, 1958

Xuereb, K.C., Moore, G.J. and Taylor, B.F. (2001) Development of the Method of Storm Transposition and Maximisation for the West Coast of Tasmania, HRS Report No. 7, Hydrology Report Series, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, January 2001

Xuereb, K. and Green, J. (2012), Defining Independence of Rainfall Events with a Partial Duration Series Approach. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Xuereb, K. and Green, J. (2012) Comparison of scaling methods for short-duration rainfall frequency analysis. 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 19-22 November 2012.

Xuereb, K., Taylor, B. and Jakob, D. (2006) Revision of design rainfalls over Australia: a pilot study, 30th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Launceston 4-7 December 2006.

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