WIRADA governance
WIRADA was set up under a formal agreement and governed by a management committee. Strategic research direction was guided by a Science Plan, and the Implementation Strategy (61kB) set out the approaches used to ensure research translated into working products.
Management committee
The management committee set the strategic direction for WIRADA. It approved the annual research programme and budget, and oversaw the effective delivery of research. The committee met quarterly, supported by the WIRADA Director. Members of the committee included two executive representatives from the Bureau and two from CSIRO. Over the duration of WIRADA members have included:
Bureau of Meteorology
WIRADA directors
Management committee
Each year the committee published an annual report:
- Annual report 2018–19 (2.0MB)
- Annual report 2017–18 (5.6MB)
- Annual report 2015–16 (8.0MB)
- Annual report 2014–15 (2.7MB)
- Annual report 2013–14 (5.0MB)
- Annual report 2012–13 (5.7MB)
- Annual report 2011–12 (4.7MB)
- Annual report 2010–11 (4.3MB)
- Annual report 2009–10 (6.3MB)
- Annual report 2008–09 (2.1MB)