Australian Water Information Dictionary
Water data: National Groundwater Information System
Australia New Zealand Land Information Council
This definition applies to:
- Aquaveo
A software development company based in the United States that builds ArcHydro for groundwater tools.
Related: ArcHydro for groundwater
This definition applies to:
- ArcGIS
A range of software programs developed by ESRI for spatial data analysis, processing and storage.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- ArcHydro for groundwater
A data model published by ESRI and tools developed by Aquaveo for analysis of hydrogeological data.
Related: Aquaveo
This definition applies to:
- bore
A hole drilled in the ground, a well or any other excavation used to access groundwater. May be used for observation of groundwater (including water level, pressure or quality).
This definition applies to:
- bore feature
Point feature class that represents the location of a bore and associated attributes. Multiple independently screened bore pipes are regarded as separate bore features.
This definition applies to:
- bore line
A three dimensional line feature class that represents the hydrogeologic units along a borehole.
This definition applies to:
- bore log
A table with rock or sediment types classified into hydrogeologic units along a borehole.
Synonym: hydrostratigraphy log
This definition applies to:
- bore pipe
An independently screened inlet to a bore that can be pumped or monitored separately. A bore can have multiple pipes, each having one or more screens.
This definition applies to:
- bore screen
The construction component of a bore that allows groundwater to enter e.g. casing with slots or holes.
Related: construction log
This definition applies to:
- casing
The construction component that lines a bore and provides the conduit from the water-producing zone to the surface.
Related: construction log
This definition applies to:
- construction line
A three dimensional line feature class that represents the construction information (e.g. casing and bore screen) along a borehole
This definition applies to:
- construction log
A table with bore construction information along a borehole (e.g. casing and bore screen).
This definition applies to:
- Creative Commons
An international non-profit organisation that provides free licences and tools that copyright owners can use to allow others to share, reuse and remix their material, legally.
Source: Creative Commons Australia
This definition applies to:
Digital Elevation Model
A digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
This definition applies to:
- Digital Elevation Model
A digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
This definition applies to:
A software development company based in the United States that builds ArcGIS.
Related: ArcGIS
This definition applies to:
- ESRI File Geodatabase
A format for storing GIS data within the ArcGIS software.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- feature class
Homogeneous collections of common features, each having the same spatial representation, such as points, lines, or polygons, and a common set of attribute columns, for example, a line feature class for representing road centrelines. The four most commonly used feature classes in the geodatabase are points, lines, polygons, and annotation (the geodatabase name for map text).
Source: ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop Help
This definition applies to:
- Geographic Information System
A system used for the design, capture, storage, management and analysis of geographic data. Often referred to as GIS.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- georaster
A catalog of raster datasets describing properties of hydrogeologic units (e.g. depth or elevation of hydrogeologic unit's top or base, salinity and groundwater level).
This definition applies to:
- geovolume
A three dimensional multipatch feature class that represents hydrogeologic units as a volume.
This definition applies to:
Geographic Information System
A system used for the design, capture, storage, management and analysis of geographic data. Often referred to as GIS.
This definition applies to:
- hydrostratigraphy log
A table with rock or sediment types classified into hydrogeologic units along a borehole.
Synonym: bore log
This definition applies to:
- lithology log
A table with drillers' or geologists' description of rock or sediment types along a borehole.
This definition applies to:
- multipatch feature class
A GIS object that stores a collection of patches to represent the boundary of a three dimensional object as a single row in a database.
Source: ArcGIS Help 10.1
Related: feature class
This definition applies to:
- National Groundwater Information System
A spatially-enabled database for storing and analysing Australian groundwater data.
This definition applies to:
National Groundwater Information System
A spatially-enabled database for storing and analysing Australian groundwater data.
This definition applies to:
- raster dataset
Represents geographic features by dividing the world into discrete square or rectangular cells laid out in a grid. Each cell has a value that is used to represent some characteristic of that location.
This definition applies to: