Australian Water Information Dictionary
Water data: Geofabric
Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric)
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
Related: Geofabric
This definition applies to:
Australian National University
Related: ANUDEM
This definition applies to:
A computer program developed by the ANU for processing data into a digital elevation model.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
Related: ANU
This definition applies to:
- ANUDEM Streams
Topologically connected flow direction streamlines developed by ANU using ANUDEM.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
Australia New Zealand Land Information Council
This definition applies to:
- aquifer
A geological formation, group of formations or part of a formation; able to receive, store and transmit significant quantities of water.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water data: Geofabric
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- Glossary for Water status: Australian Water Resources Assessment
- Glossary for Standards: National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring
- aquitard
A geological formation that may contain groundwater but is not capable of transmitting significant quantities of it under normal hydraulic gradients. May function as a confining bed.
This definition applies to:
- ArcGIS
A range of software programs developed by ESRI for spatial data analysis, processing and storage.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- ArcHydro
A data model and tools published by ESRI for analysis of hydrological data.
This definition applies to:
- AusHydro
Flow directed and topological connected surface hydrology data derived from Geoscience Australia GEODATA series.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric
The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) is a specialised Geographic Information System (GIS). It identifies and registers the spatial relationships between important hydrological features such as watercourses, water bodies, canals, aquifers, monitoring points and catchments.
Source: Geofabric website
This definition applies to:
- Australian Water Resources Council
Established in 1962, the Australian Water Resources Council (AWRC) was set up by the Commonwealth and Sate Governments as a non-statutory body. The council existed into the 1980s.
Source: National Library of Australia
This definition applies to:
Australian Water Resources Council
This definition applies to:
Australian Water Resources Information System
This definition applies to:
- blue line
The typical depiction of a river or stream in a cartographic product.
This definition applies to:
- Bureau
Bureau of Meteorology
This definition applies to:
- conceptual model
A platform independent model for showing the entities and relationship between the features of interest generally described using UML.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
Related: UML
This definition applies to:
- contracted catchment
A set of low level catchments derived from the nine second digital elevation model (DEM) with a contracted node at the outflow point.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- contracted node
An entity within the Geofabric that represents a logical feature in the landscape such as the confluence of two major rivers or a significant monitoring location. A contracted node has a unique and persistent identifier.
This definition applies to:
- Creative Commons
An international non-profit organisation that provides free licences and tools that copyright owners can use to allow others to share, reuse and remix their material, legally.
Source: Creative Commons Australia
This definition applies to:
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
This definition applies to:
- D8-9S
GEODATA 9 Second Flow Direction Grid derived from DEM-9S.
A grid describing the principal directions of surface drainage across the whole of Australia.
Source: Geoscience Australia
This definition applies to:
Digital Elevation Model
A digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
This definition applies to:
- DEM-9S
GEODATA 9 Second Digital Elevation Model.
A grid of ground level elevation points covering the whole of Australia with a grid spacing of 9 seconds in longitude and latitude (approximately 250 metres) in the GDA94 coordinate system.
Synonym: digital elevation model - 9 second
This definition applies to:
- Digital Elevation Model
A digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
This definition applies to:
Data Product Specification based on ISO 19139
Related: ISO
This definition applies to:
- drainage division
Representation of the catchments of major surface water drainage systems, generally comprising a number of river basins. In Australia, 12 drainage divisions were first defined in the 1960s by the Australian Water Resources Council. Australian drainage division boundaries were revised by the Bureau in 2010 in line with the creation of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) based on the 9 second Digital Elevation Model.
Related: Bureau
This definition applies to:
A software development company based in the United States that builds ArcGIS.
Related: ArcGIS
This definition applies to:
- ESRI File Geodatabase
A format for storing GIS data within the ArcGIS software.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- foundation input data
Input data such as AusHydro, ANUDEM streams and the National Catchment Boundaries used to build the Geofabric.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- GA
Geoscience Australia
This definition applies to:
A national set of topographic products developed by Geoscience Australia at various scales.
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric
The common abbreviation for the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric.
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Groundwater Cartography
A first pass national groundwater GIS dataset. Groundwater boundaries are derived from interim groundwater data.
- Geofabric Surface Cartography
- Geofabric Surface Catchments
- Geofabric Surface Network
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions
- interim groundwater data
- Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments
A contracted catchments hierarchy resulting from contracted nodes of important hydrological features. A simplified Node-Link network identifies contracted nodes in Geofabric Surface Network and the corresponding linkages between these nodes.
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions
A collection of GIS feature classes derived from aggregations of contracted catchments in the Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments product. Data is aggregated to drainage divisions and river region reporting units.
- contracted catchment
- contracted node
- Geofabric Surface Catchments
- Geofabric Surface Network
- Geofabric Groundwater Cartography
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Surface Cartography
A collection of GIS feature classes of surface water features of Australia (excluding external Territories). It is flow directed and provides input for the production of maps and visualisations that present the results of hydrological analyses.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Surface Catchments
A collection of GIS feature classes providing topographic based surface catchment boundaries, organised into a hierarchy using the Pfafstetter reference system. It has a hydrological relationship to surface water features and can be used for surface hydrological analysis.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
- Geofabric
- Geofabric Surface Cartography
- Geofabric Surface Network
- Geographic Information System
- Pfafstetter reference system
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Surface Network
A collection of GIS feature classes based upon the DEM derived ANUDEM Streams. It is a generalised representation of Geofabric Surface Cartography streams with the addition of full topological connection. It can be used for selecting hydrological observation points (if they exist) and for geoprocessing and hydrological modelling that involves streamflow tracing operations.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Version 1
The first major release of Geofabric data in 2010 derived from foundation input data at scale 1:250 000. Three products were included: Geofabric Surface Cartography, Geofabric Surface Catchments, Geofabric Surface Network.
- Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric
- Geofabric Surface Cartography
- Geofabric Surface Catchments
- Geofabric Surface Network
This definition applies to:
- Geofabric Version 2
The second major release of Geofabric data in 2011 derived from foundation input data at scale 1:250 000. Six products were included: Geofabric Surface Cartography, Geofabric Surface Catchments, Geofabric Surface Network, Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments, Geofabric Hydrology Rerpoting Regions, Geofabric Groundwater Cartography.
- Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric
- Geofabric Surface Cartography
- Geofabric Surface Catchments
- Geofabric Surface Network
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments
- Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions
This definition applies to:
- Geographic Information System
A system used for the design, capture, storage, management and analysis of geographic data. Often referred to as GIS.
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
- Geoscience Australia
Australia's national geoscience agency.
This definition applies to:
Geographic Information System
A system used for the design, capture, storage, management and analysis of geographic data. Often referred to as GIS.
This definition applies to:
Developed at the United States Geological Survey (USGS), HYDRO1k is a geographic database providing comprehensive and consistent global coverage of topographically derived datasets.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- HydroID
An internal identifier assigned when using the ArcHydro tools to implement the ArcHydro data model.
This definition applies to:
Interim Aquifer Framework
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
Interim Groundwater Data
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- implementation model
A platform specific model that references the conceptual model. In the case of the Geofabric the implementation is in ArcGIS.
This definition applies to:
- interim aquifer framework
A two tiered system of geological units aggregated to aquifers (and sometimes aquitards) of similar hydrogeological characteristics. When available, it will be replaced by the National Groundwater Information System.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- interim groundwater data
Digital groundwater boundaries obtained from the best available digital groundwater data sourced from both Commonwealth and State and Territory jurisdictions as part of the IGWD project. When available, it will be replaced by the National Groundwater Information System.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- national catchment boundaries
Foundation input data derived from DEM-9S for Geofabric Surface Catchments, in which a catchment has been defined for every stream segment contained within the Geofabric Surface Network product. It also includes Levels 1 (drainage divisions) and 2 (aggregated river basin groups) and NCB Pfafstetter coding.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
National Catchment Boundaries
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- NHDPlus
National Hydrography Dataset Plus. A geospatial hydrological system implemented in the United States.
This definition applies to:
- OzCoasts
Australian Online Coastal Information.
Source: Ozcoasts
Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
Related: Geoscience Australia
This definition applies to:
- Pfafstetter reference system
The Pfafstetter coding system developed by Otto Pfafstetter in 1989, is a methodology for assigning catchment identifers based on the topology of the land surface.
Source: K.L Verdin, J.P Verdin., 1999. A topological system for delineation and codification of the Earth’s river basins, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 218 (1-2) and J. L. Stein, M. F. Hutchinson, J. A. Stein., 2014. A new stream and nested catchment framework for Australia, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18
Related: Geofabric Surface Catchments
This definition applies to:
- raster data
Data organised as a regular grid or as pixels.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- river region
Produced as part of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric). These regions align with, and are nested within, the revised drainage divisions.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- shapefile
A vector GIS format for storing geometric location and associated attribute information, that lacks the capacity to store toplogical information. It is developed and regulated by ESRI as a (mostly) open specification for data interoperability.
Source: ESRI
Related: Geographic Information System
This definition applies to:
Unified Modelling Language
This definition applies to:
- vector data
Data organised as geometry consisting of points, lines and polygons.
This definition applies to:
- Water Act 2007
An Act of Parliament that commenced on 3 March 2008 and implemented key reforms for water management in Australia.
Source: Water Act 2007, at 8 Febraury 2019. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
Related: Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric
This definition applies to: