Australian Water Information Dictionary

Water status: Water Storage


% full

The volume of water in storage as a percentage of the accessible storage capacity. Note that the percentage full may exceed 100% due to floods for example.

Related: accessible storage capacity

Synonym: percentage full

This definition applies to:

accessible storage capacity

The volume of water that a water storage can hold between the minimum supply level and full supply level; equal to the total storage capacity excluding the dead storage capacity. It is the sum of this capacity that is reported for a collection of water storages. See the water storage diagram for more information.


Synonym: capacity

This definition applies to:

accessible storage volume

The volume of water stored at a particular time and date. It excludes the dead storage volume and hence is the volume of water that can be accessed under normal circumstances without the installation of additional infrastructure. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Synonym: volume

This definition applies to:

aggregated volume

The sum of volumes held in water storages that are within a region or associated with a city or system. Each water storage can contribute up to its accessible storage capacity to the aggregated volume. In some cases only a portion of the water in a storage is shared with a city or system.

Related FAQ

Synonym: volume

This definition applies to:


Australian Height Datum

The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Mean sea level was determined from observations recorded by 30 tide gauges around the coast of the Australian continent for the period 1966–1968.

See Geoscience Australia for further information.

This definition applies to:

Australian height datum

The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Mean sea level was determined from observations recorded by 30 tide gauges around the coast of the Australian continent for the period 1966–1968.

See Geoscience Australia for further information.

This definition applies to:

Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric

The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) is a specialised Geographic Information System (GIS). It identifies and registers the spatial relationships between important hydrological features such as watercourses, water bodies, canals, aquifers, monitoring points and catchments.

Source: Geofabric website


This definition applies to:


The volume of water that a water storage can hold between the minimum supply level and full supply level; equal to the total storage capacity excluding the dead storage capacity. It is the sum of this capacity that is reported for a collection of water storages. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Synonym: accessible storage capacity

This definition applies to:

catchment area

The extent of land where water from precipitation drains into the water storage.

Related: catchment

This definition applies to:

date reported – collection of water storages

The date for which the published aggregated volume was calculated.

Related FAQ

This definition applies to:

date reported – single water storage

The date on which the published measurement was observed.

This definition applies to:

dead storage capacity

The portion of total storage capacity that is equal to the volume of water below the level of the lowest outlet (the minimum supply level). This water cannot be accessed under normal operating conditions. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Related: minimum supply level

This definition applies to:

digital elevation model - 9 second

GEODATA 9 Second Digital Elevation Model. A grid of ground level elevation points covering the whole of Australia with a grid spacing of 9 seconds in longitude and latitude (approximately 250 metres) in the GDA94 coordinate system.

Source: Geoscience Australia, viewed 01 March 2017.

Synonym: DEM-9S

This definition applies to:

drainage division

Representation of the catchments of major surface water drainage systems, generally comprising a number of river basins. In Australia, 12 drainage divisions were first defined in the 1960s by the Australian Water Resources Council. Australian drainage division boundaries were revised by the Bureau in 2010 in line with the creation of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) based on the 9 second Digital Elevation Model.

Related: Bureau

This definition applies to:

full supply level

The normal maximum operating water level of a water storage when not affected by floods. This water level corresponds to 100% capacity. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Related: capacity

This definition applies to:


The abbreviation for hectare; one hectare is equal to an area of 10 000 square metres.

Synonym: hectare

This definition applies to:


one hectare is equal to an area of 10 000 square metres.

Synonym: ha

This definition applies to:

inflowing watercourses

The rivers and streams that flow into a water storage. If a water storage is not located on a watercourse it is referred to as being off stream.

This definition applies to:


The abbreviation for metre(s).

This definition applies to:


The abbreviation for elevation in metres with respect to the Australian Height Datum.

Related: Australian height datum

This definition applies to:

major storage

Any water storage that has a total storage capacity of 1000 million litres or more.

Source: Water Regulations 2008 Schedule 3 Part 1. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation

This definition applies to:

minimum supply level

The lowest water level to which a water storage can be drawn down (0% full) with existing outlet infrastructure; typically equal to the level of the lowest outlet, the lower limit of accessible storage capacity. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Related: accessible storage capacity

This definition applies to:



One million litres.

This definition applies to:


Minimum Supply Level

This definition applies to:

percentage full

The volume of water in storage as a percentage of the accessible storage capacity. Note that the percentage full may exceed 100% due to floods for example.

Related: accessible storage capacity

Synonym: % full

This definition applies to:

surface area

The area of the water surface, typically measured when the water storage is at full supply level.

This definition applies to:

total storage capacity

The entire volume of water contained by the water storage at full supply level; equal to the sum of the accessible storage capacity plus the dead storage capacity. See the water storage diagram for more information.


This definition applies to:


The volume of water stored at a particular time and date. It excludes the dead storage volume and hence is the volume of water that can be accessed under normal circumstances without the installation of additional infrastructure. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Synonym: accessible storage volume

This definition applies to:

water depth

The height of water in a water storage at a particular time and date measured from the minimum supply level. See the water storage diagram for more information.

This definition applies to:

water level

The elevation of the water surface at a particular time and date, measured relative to a specified datum.

This definition applies to:

water storage

A hydrological feature in which water is stored. Surface water storages include natural and artificial ponds, lakes, reservoirs and lagoons, also the bodies of water held behind weirs and dams.

In the National Water Account, surface water storages include only artificial or natural water storages connected to rivers, which primary purposes are medium to long term water storage to service surface water access rights. These storages can be managed by an organisation to provide water to an urban water system.

This definition applies to:

year of completion

The year when the water storage structure was completed, as advised by the water storage owner or operator.

This definition applies to: