Australian Water Information Dictionary
Australian Capital Territory
This definition applies to:
acoustic Doppler current meter
A point velocity meter that uses two acoustic transducers, each acting as transmitters and receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).
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acoustic Doppler current profiler
A family of acoustic based instrumentation used to measure water velocities and water depths during a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).
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acoustic Doppler velocimeter
A point velocity meter that uses a single acoustic transducer as a transmitter and separate dedicated transducers as receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).
This definition applies to:
acoustic Doppler velocity meter
A family of acoustic based instrumentation used for continuous in-situ measurement of water velocities.
This definition applies to:
annual exceedance probability
The probability that a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration will be exceeded in any one year.
Related: average recurrence interval
Australian Height Datum
The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Mean sea level was determined from observations recorded by 30 tide gauges around the coast of the Australian continent for the period 1966–1968.
See Geoscience Australia for further information.
This definition applies to:
Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric)
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
Related: Geofabric
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Australian Integrated Forecast System
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Adopted Middle Thread Distance
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Australian National Committee on Large Dams
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Australian National University
Related: ANUDEM
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Australia New Zealand Land Information Council
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average recurrence interval
The average or expected value of the periods between exceedances of a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration. It is implicit in this definition that the periods between exceedances are generally random.
autoregressive moving average
A combined process of statistical time series analysis in terms of two polynomials, one for the auto-regression and the second for the moving-average.
This definition applies to:
Australian rainfall and runoff
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American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A character-encoding that represents text in computers.
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Australian Soil Resource Information System
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Australian water availability project
An operational data assimilation and modelling project that monitors the state and trend of the Australian terrestrial water balance at a resolution of 5 km. Using both measurements and modelling, the past history and present state of soil moisture are determined. The water fluxes that contribute to changes in soil moisture are incorporated in this project. These water fluxes include rainfall, transpiration, soil evaporation, surface runoff and deep drainage.
Source: Australian Water Availability Project
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Australian Water Resources Assessment
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A part of the AWRA Modelling System developed by CSIRO under the WIRADA alliance with the Bureau that represents landscape water balance.
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Australian Water Resources Council
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Australian Water Resources Information System
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Bayesian total error analysis
A generalised Bayesian framework for environmental model calibration and validation. BATEA permits the use of explicit probabilistic errors models which are used to describe the uncertainty associated with observed data, notably, in forcing inputs and outputs, e.g. rainfall and discharge data.
This definition applies to:
Bayesian joint probability
A modelling system that uses statistical methods to produce predictions of seasonal streamflows. BJP was developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). See the Seasonal Streamflow Forecast Research papers section for more information.
- BT
bottom tracking
Acoustic method used to measure boat speed and direction by computing the Doppler shift of sound reflected from the stream bed relative to the ADCP.
This definition applies to:
computerised design IFD rainfall system
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Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
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comma separated values.
A computer text file where numbers are written as characters separated by commas.
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cease to flow
The level or physical location at which a stream stops flowing, the lowest point in the low flow control.
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- CV
coefficient of variation
A normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean.
This definition applies to:
- D8-9S
GEODATA 9 Second Flow Direction Grid derived from DEM-9S.
A grid describing the principal directions of surface drainage across the whole of Australia.
Source: Geoscience Australia
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Digital Elevation Model
A digital elevation model of the earth's surface.
This definition applies to:
- DEM-9S
GEODATA 9 Second Digital Elevation Model.
A grid of ground level elevation points covering the whole of Australia with a grid spacing of 9 seconds in longitude and latitude (approximately 250 metres) in the GDA94 coordinate system.
Synonym: digital elevation model - 9 second
This definition applies to:
Differential Global Positioning System
An enhancement to Global Positioning System (GPS) that uses a network of fixed ground based reference stations to broadcast the difference between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions.
The underlying premise of differential GPS is that any two receivers that are relatively close together will experience similar atmospheric errors. DGPS requires that a GPS receiver be set up on a precisely known location. This GPS receiver is the base or reference station. The base station receiver calculates its position based on satellite signals and compares this location to the known location. The difference is applied to the GPS data recorded by the second GPS receiver, which is known as the roving receiver. The corrected information can be applied to data from the roving receiver in real-time in the field using radio signals or through post-processing after data capture using special processing software.
Source: ESRI, viewed 2 October 2018. Copyright © 1995–2013 Esri.
This definition applies to:
Data Product Specification based on ISO 19139
Related: ISO
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- EC
electrical conductivity
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eco-hydrogeological zone
Related: eco-hydrogeological zone
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El Niño Southern Oscillation
The oscillation between the El Niño climate phase and the La Niña climate phase, or opposite phase, usually over several years. See the Weather and Climate page on ENSO for more information.
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- ET
The sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the earth’s land surface to the atmosphere.
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Environmental Water Provisions
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ecological water requirement
Related: ecological water requirement
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full scale deflection
The full range of observations which can be recorded by an instrument.
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Full Supply Level
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File Transfer Protocol
FTP is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network, such as over the Internet.
See also File Transfer Protocol (FTP) details and data file content and naming conventions.
This definition applies to:
- GA
Geoscience Australia
This definition applies to:
Great Artesian Basin
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groundwater dependent ecosystem
This definition applies to:
groundwater flow system
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Geographic Information System
A system used for the design, capture, storage, management and analysis of geographic data. Often referred to as GIS.
This definition applies to:
- GL
1,000 megalitres, which also is 1,000,000,000 litres.
Related: gigalitre
This definition applies to:
groundwater management unit
An area delineated for the management of groundwater based on similar resource characteristics (for example rock type and watertable depth) and management rules that may be applied.
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Global Positioning System
A system of radio-emitting and -receiving satellites used for determining positions on the earth. The orbiting satellites transmit signals that allow a Global Positioning System receiver anywhere on earth to calculate its own location through trilateration. Developed and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense, the system is used in navigation, mapping, surveying, and other applications in which precise positioning is necessary.
Source: ESRI GIS Dictionary, viewed 05 December 2018, Copyright © 1995–2019 Esri.
This definition applies to:
- GR4J
Modèle du Génie Rural à 4 Paramètres Journalier
A daily lumped four-parameter rainfall-runoff model, belonging to the family of soil moisture accounting models.
Source: Modèles Hydrologiques du Génie Rural
This definition applies to:
generalised southeast Australia method
Appropriate for estimating probable maximum precipitation in regions of Australia where tropical storms are not the source of the greatest rainfall depths and where topographic influences vary markedly.
Related: probable maximum precipitation
This definition applies to:
generalised short-duration method
Appropriate for estimating probable maximum precipitation for durations up to six hours and for an area of less than 1000 square kilometres.
Related: probable maximum precipitation
This definition applies to:
groundwater treatment plant
This definition applies to:
revised generalised tropical storm method
Appropriate for estimating probable maximum precipitation in regions of Australia affected by tropical storms.
Related: probable maximum precipitation
This definition applies to:
- GU
geologic unit
One of the tiers in the National Aquifer Framework. Smallest mapped or defined geological entity consistent at a national scale.
This definition applies to:
horizontal dilution of precision
A measure of the geometric quality of a GPS satellite configuration in the sky. Horizontal Dilution of Precision is a factor in determining the relative accuracy of a horizontal position. The smaller the dilution of precision number, the better the geometry.
Source: ESRI GIS Dictionary, viewed 05 December 2018, Copyright © 1995–2013 Esri.
Related: PDOP
This definition applies to:
hydrogeologic complex
One of the tiers in the National Aquifer Framework. Aggregation and classification of hydrogeologic units according to their age, depositional environment, rock type and whether they behave as an aquifer or aquitard.
This definition applies to:
hydrogeologic unit
One of the tiers in the National Aquifer Framework. One or more geologic units which have similar hydrogeological characteristics and behaviour.
This definition applies to:
Interim Aquifer Framework
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- ID
inflow dependence
This definition applies to:
Inflow Dependent Ecosystem
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This definition applies to:
Interim Groundwater Data
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
Indian Ocean Dipole
A major contributor to rainfall variability over Australia. When the dipole is in a positive phase, the sea-surface temperature (SST) around Indonesia is cooler than average while those in the western Indian Ocean are warmer than average. The positive phase increases easterly winds across the Indian Ocean, while convection in areas near Australia reduces. This results in suppressed rainfall over the Australian region. During a negative phase, warmer than average SST near Indonesia and cooler than average SST in the western Indian Ocean, result in more westerly winds across the Indian Ocean, greater convection near Australia and enhanced rainfall in the Australian region. See the Weather and Climate page on Indian Ocean for more information.
This definition applies to:
interquartile range
A measure of statistical dispersion, being equal to the difference between the third and first quartiles. Also called the midspread or middle 50.
International Organization for Standardization
An international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organisations.
This definition applies to:
index velocity rating
The computation of discharge using measured water velocities that are an index or predictor of the mean channel velocity.
Note: More than one variable may be used in the creation of a rating if this would improve the accuracy of the overall rating.
This definition applies to:
- m
The abbreviation for metre(s).
This definition applies to:
- mAHD
The abbreviation for elevation in metres with respect to the Australian Height Datum.
Related: Australian height datum
This definition applies to:
Murray–Darling Basin
This definition applies to:
- MGA94
Map Grid of Australia 1994
The standard map projection associated with GDA94. It is a transverse Mercator projection that conforms to the internationally accepted Universal Transverse Mercator Grid system.
Source: Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping, viewed 05 December 2018.
This definition applies to:
- ML
One million litres.
This definition applies to:
- ML/d
The abbreviation for megalitres per day. A unit of measure for instantaneous discharge (rate unit).
This definition applies to:
Minimum Supply Level
This definition applies to:
mean seasonal storage range
Related: mean seasonal storage range
This definition applies to:
National Aquifer Framework
Bureau developed framework for naming and grouping hydrogeologic units from across Australia.
This definition applies to:
National Catchment Boundaries
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
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National Groundwater Information System
A spatially-enabled database for storing and analysing Australian groundwater data.
This definition applies to:
- NHDPlus
National Hydrography Dataset Plus. A geospatial hydrological system implemented in the United States.
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natural resource management
This definition applies to:
New South Wales
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National Water Commission
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National Water Initiative
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numerical weather prediction
A science focused on taking current observations of weather and processing these data with computer models to forecast the future state of weather.
Source: Modified from NOAA, viewed 25 July 2015.
positional dilution of precision
A measure of the geometric quality of a GPS satellite configuration in the sky. A PDOP value measures the possible error in both the horizontal and vertical plane (altitude).
Related: HDOP
This definition applies to:
probable maximum flood
The largest flood that could conceivably occur at a particular location.
Generally, it is not physically or financially possible to provide general protection against this event. This flood defines the maximum extent of land liable to flooding. The extent, nature and potential consequences of flooding associated with the PMF event should be assessed in a Flood Study. The PMF event may form the basis of evacuation planning and the identification of refuge areas. Considerations should be given to adopting the PMF event as the design flood event for emergency services planning and for determining the location and floor levels of facilities such as telephone exchanges, police stations and hospitals. The PMF event may also be used to develop land use development guidelines in the floodplain management plan.
Source: Flood Victoria
Related: probable maximum precipitation
This definition applies to:
probable maximum precipitation
The greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration meteorologically possible for a given size storm area at a particular location at a particular time of the year, with no allowance made for long-term climatic trends.
Source: World Meteorological Organisation (1986). Manual for Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation. Second Edition. Operational Hydrology Report No. 1, WMO – No. 332, Geneva
Related: PMF
predictive ocean atmosphere model for Australia
A state-of-the-art seasonal to inter-annual forecast system consisting of coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models (GCMs) along with sophisticated data assimilation and land-surface initialisation systems.
Source: POAMA
This definition applies to:
Point Velocity Meter
A family of hand held acoustic based instrumentation used to measure water velocities and water depths during a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).
This definition applies to:
Queensland Water Commission
This definition applies to:
- RL
reduced level
The surveyed level of a location relative to a datum (after survey calculations have been completed).
Synonym: reduced level
This definition applies to:
root mean squared error
The square root of the average square error (SE) for a set of forecasts
The SE is the squared difference between the observed value and median of the forecast.
This definition applies to:
root mean squared error in probability
The square root of the average square error in probability (SEP) for a set of forecasts
The SEP is the squared difference between the historical probabilities of the observed value and median of the forecast.
This definition applies to:
- SE
South East / southeast
This definition applies to:
signal to noise ratio
A measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power. A ratio higher than 1:1 indicates more signal than noise.
Synonym: signal to noise ratio
This definition applies to:
Southern Oscillation Index
An index calculated from the monthly or seasonal fluctuations in the air pressure difference between Tahiti and Darwin. See the Climate page on SOI for more information.
This definition applies to:
sea surface temperature
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total dissolved solids
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Unified Modelling Language
This definition applies to:
United States Geological Survey
The sole American science agency for the Department of the Interior that provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods, the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources the U.S. relies on, the health of U.S. ecosystems and environment, and the impacts of climate and land-use change.
Source: Modified from USGS, viewed 02 October 2018.
This definition applies to:
volume weighted average price
The average value (dollars per megalitre) of the water traded where each trade is weighted proportionally by the volume of water (in megalitre) involved in the sale. This provides a more accurate representation of the price (i.e. high volume trades generally attract a ‘bulk discount’).
This definition applies to:
Water Data Transfer Format
WDTF is an XML data transfer format designed to support the water industry to share and deliver water data to the Bureau as required under the Water Regulations 2008.
This definition applies to:
Water Information Research and Development Alliance
This definition applies to:
water reclamation plant
The general name given to a plant used to treated wastewater treatment plant effluent for recycling.
Source: Category 7 Reporting Handbook
This definition applies to:
water resource plan area
This definition applies to:
water treatment plant
The general name given to a plant typically used to treat water sourced from surface or groundwater for supply into the urban water system.
Source: Category 7 Reporting Handbook
This definition applies to:
wastewater treatment plant
The general name given to a plant used to treat wastewater collected through the urban wastewater system to meet quality requirements for effluent discharge to receiving waterways or land based re-use.
Source: Category 7 Reporting Handbook
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