Australian Water Information Dictionary
Alphabetical list of items
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z other
- kandosols
Mostly well-drained, permeable soils. Common in all States except Victoria and Tasmania. Most widespread in the arid and semi-arid interior.
Source: R F Isbell, 1996, The Australian Soil Classification, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
This definition applies to:
- karst
Terrain characterised by sinkholes, caves and springs, developed most commonly in carbonate rocks, where significant dissolution of the rock has occurred due to flowing water.
This definition applies to:
- karstic rock
Soluble rocks including limestone, dolomite and gypsum.
This definition applies to:
- kurosols
Acidic soils with an abrupt increase in clay content. Extend from southern Queensland, through coastal and subcoastal New South Wales, to Tasmania.
Source: R F Isbell, 1996, The Australian Soil Classification, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
This definition applies to: