Australian Water Information Dictionary

Alphabetical list of items

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   other  



Aboriginal water

Water resources of an area that are recognised or used by aboriginal peoples for their social, spiritual and cultural values.

Source: Modified from National Water Accounts, viewed 25 July 2015.

Related: cultural basic right

This definition applies to:


The removal of water from a water store.

This definition applies to:

accessible storage capacity

There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

The volume of water that a water storage can hold between the minimum supply level and full supply level; equal to the total storage capacity excluding the dead storage capacity. It is the sum of this capacity that is reported for a collection of water storages. See the water storage diagram for more information.


Synonym: capacity

This definition applies to:

Context 2

The volume of water that a water storage can hold between the minimum supply level and full supply level; equal to the total storage capacity excluding the dead storage capacity.

In the Bureau water storage application, it is the sum of this capacity that is reported for a collection of water storages. See the water storage diagram for more information.

This definition applies to:

accessible storage volume

The volume of water stored at a particular time and date. It excludes the dead storage volume and hence is the volume of water that can be accessed under normal circumstances without the installation of additional infrastructure. See the water storage diagram for more information.

Synonym: volume

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.1 - storage

Water in artificial or natural water storages connected to rivers, for which primary purpose is medium to long term water storage to service surface water access rights. These storages can be managed by an organisation to provide water to a rural or urban water system. Weirs that are used primarily to redirect flows are excluded. The volumetric capacity reported includes dead storage capacity.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.10 - other surface water assets

Physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.2 - unregulated river

A river where there is no entitlement system at all or where there is an entitlement system which does not allow orders to be placed for upstream release of a licensed allocation. It includes locks and weirs used primarily to redirect flows that are located on unregulated stretches of river.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.3 - regulated river

A river on which a licensed entitlement regime exists with centralised allocation, and from which orders may be placed for upstream release of a licensed allocation. A necessary, but not sufficient condition for a river to be regulated is that it is located downstream of a surface water storage. Includes locks and weirs used primarily to redirect flows that are located on regulated stretches of river.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.4 - lakes and wetlands

Other water bodies, of natural origin, for which the primary purpose is not abstractive or consumptive use. They may include water in natural lakes, ponds, lagoons, wetlands, billabongs and groundwater-fed water bodies that are not classified as storages based on their primary purpose.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.5 - inter-region claim on water

A claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the surface water. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.6 - claim on water traded into the region

A claim to water resulting from water traded into the region held on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.7 - claim on desalinated water

A claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes claims on behalf of the urban water system, which are reported in line item 3.6 Urban claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.8 - other claims on water

A claim to water held on behalf of the surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 1.9 - overdraft of surface water allocation

A claim to water held on behalf of the surface water, following an overdraft of surface water allocation by an allocation holder that is not part of the water accounting region. This can be thought of as an 'advance draw'. It includes overdraft by private allocation holders.

It only includes overdraft by urban water system and irrigation schemes when those are not part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.1 - groundwater inflow from outside region

Lateral flow of groundwater into the region's groundwater from inland groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region. It excludes lateral flow of groundwater from coastal aquifers.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.10 - urban water discharge to groundwater

Discharge from the urban water system either directly or indirectly to the region's groundwater. It includes recycled water discharge to infiltration basins for the purpose of recharging groundwater and wastewater discharge to groundwater via infiltration.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.11 - delivery of claimed water

Delivery of water to the region's groundwater to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.12 - increase of groundwater claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's groundwater. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

• water traded into the region.

It excludes claims resulting from inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.13 - other groundwater increases

Increases of physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.2 - groundwater inflow from outside region at coast

Lateral flow of groundwater into the region from groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region at the coast.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.3 - recharge from landscape

Diffuse recharge from landscape to the region's groundwater due to both natural and artificial processes. It includes irrigation induced recharge. It excludes urban infiltration basin recharge or managed aquifer recharge.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.4 - recharge from surface water

Recharge from surface water to the region's groundwater. It includes the deliberate recharge of groundwater from surface water storages and rivers.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.5 - leakage from off-channel water storage

Leakage from off-channel water storages to the region's groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.6 - leakage from urban water system

Leakage from urban water systems to the region's groundwater. It includes exfiltration from wastewater collection systems. It includes leakage from non-potable, potable and recycled water supply systems. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.7 - leakage from irrigation scheme

Leakage from an irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It includes leakage from irrigation channels, tanks and storages that form part of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.8 - managed aquifer recharge - private user

Managed aquifer recharge other than from the urban water system to the region's groundwater. It includes stormwater and industrial wastewater used for managed aquifer recharge and for a managed aquifer recharge scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 10.9 - managed aquifer recharge - urban water system

Managed aquifer recharge from the urban water system to the region's groundwater. It includes non-potable and recycled water used in a managed aquifer recharge scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.1 - precipitation on urban water system

All forms in which water falls on the region's urban water system as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It includes precipitation on wastewater treatment lagoons or ponds, recycled water storages and off-channel water storages that are part of the urban water system. It excludes precipitation on surface water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.10 - delivery of traded water to urban water system

Delivery of water into the region's urban water system to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see line item 11.16 Increase of urban claim on traded water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.11 - delivery of claimed desalinated water to urban water system

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's urban water system to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised (see line item 11.6 Delivery of desalinated water to urban water system). It excludes water delivered to an urban water system from the region's surface water that was originally desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.12 - allocation diversion of surface water to urban water system

Diversion of surface water to the region's urban water system to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.13 - allocation extraction of groundwater to urban water system

Diversion of groundwater to the region's urban water system to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.14 - other delivery of water to urban water system

Delivery of physical water to the region's urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.15 - increase of inter-region claim on water by urban water system

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.16 - increase of urban claim on traded water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the urban water system resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.17 - increase of urban claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes an increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water (see line item 9.17 Increase of claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.18 - increase of urban claim on surface water

Increase of claim on the region's surface water held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's surface water for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.19 - increase of urban claim on groundwater

Increase of claim on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's groundwater for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.2 - non-allocated diversion of surface water

Diversion from the region's surface water into the urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under 32.2 surface water access entitlement for direct diversion and the 32.1 Other statutory surface water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.20 - increase of other urban claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.21 - other urban water increases

Increases of physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.3 - non-allocated extraction of groundwater

Extraction from the region's groundwater into the urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes extractions under 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction and 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.4 - wastewater collected

Discharge of wastewater into the region's wastewater collection system. It includes discharge of wastewater by users into wastewater collection systems. It excludes wastewater collected by urban utilities outside the region and then transferred into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.5 - delivery of water from outside region to urban water system

Delivery of imported water to the region's urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes non-potable, potable, wastewater and recycled water transferred into the region by urban water utilities servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.6 - delivery of desalinated water to urban water system

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.7 - stormwater ingress

Ingress of stormwater into the region's wastewater collection system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.8 - infiltration from groundwater

Infiltration of groundwater into the region's wastewater collection system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 11.9 - delivery of water to urban water system under inter-region agreement

Delivery of imported water to the region's urban water system to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the urban water system. The prior claim may be an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region or another agreement at allocation (retail level), but excludes water trade and contracts for the delivery of desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.1 - precipitation on irrigation scheme

All forms in which water falls on the region's irrigation scheme as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. F873It includes precipitation on irrigation supply and collection channels, and irrigation scheme storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.10 - allocation extraction of groundwater to irrigation scheme

Diversion of groundwater to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.11 - other delivery of water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of physical water to the region's irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.12 - increase of irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.13 - increase of irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the irrigation scheme resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.14 - increase of irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes an increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water (see line item 9.17 Increase of claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.15 - increase of irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Increase of claim on the region's surface water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's surface water for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.16 - increase of irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Increase of claim on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's groundwater for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.17 - increase of other irrigation scheme claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.18 - other irrigation water increases

Increases of physical and non-physical irrigation scheme assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.2 - non-allocated diversion of surface water

Diversion from the region's surface water into the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under 32.2 Surface water access entitlement for direct diversion and 32.1 Other statutory surface water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.3 - non-allocated extraction of groundwater

Extraction from the region's groundwater into the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes extractions under 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction and 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.4 - urban water discharge to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water from the region's urban water system to the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes recycled water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.5 - delivery of water from outside region to irrigation scheme

Delivery of imported water to the region's irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes water transferred into the region by irrigation entities servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.6 - delivery of water to irrigation scheme under inter-region agreement

Delivery of imported water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. The prior claim may be an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region or another agreement at allocation (retail level), but excludes water trade and contracts for the delivery of desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.7 - delivery of traded water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water into the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see line item 12.13 Increase of irrigation scheme claim on traded water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.8 - delivery of claimed desalinated water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 12.9 - allocation diversion of surface water to irrigation scheme

Diversion of surface water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.1 - adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 13.3 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.2 - adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation - urban water system

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.3 - adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation - irrigation scheme

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation scheme considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.4 - adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on surface water

Adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on surface water (see line item 5.4 Inter-region commitment on surface water) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.5 - adjustment and forfeiture of traded surface water commitment

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment resulting from trade of surface water out of the region (see line item 5.5 Commitment on water traded out of the region) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 13.6 - other surface water liability decreases

Decreases of surface water liabilities other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.1 - adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 14.3 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.2 - adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation - urban water system

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.3 - adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation - irrigation scheme

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 14.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.4 - adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on groundwater

Adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on groundwater (see line item 6.4 Inter-region commitment on groundwater) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.5 - adjustment and forfeiture of traded groundwater commitment

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment resulting from trade of groundwater out of the region (see line item 6.5 Commitment on traded out groundwater) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 14.6 - other groundwater liability decreases

Decreases of groundwater liabilities other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 15.1 - adjustment and forfeiture of urban water system commitment to deliver water

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment made during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) to deliver water from the region's urban water system to users within or out of the region or to other urban water systems out of the region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the irrigation scheme where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 15.2 - other urban water system liability decreases

Decreases of urban water system liabilities other than those defined elsewhere. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the irrigation scheme where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 16.1 - adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme commitment to deliver water

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment made during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) to deliver water from the region's irrigation scheme to users within or out of the region or to other irrigation schemes out of the region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the urban water system where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 16.2 - other irrigation scheme liability decreases

Decreases of irrigation scheme liabilities other than those defined elsewhere. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the F910urban water system where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.1 - evaporation from surface water

Movement of water from the region's surface water to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.10 - river and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors

All uncalculated flows and changes in storage and errors made on calculated terms related to the surface water. The main uncalculated ouflows may include: runoff water evaporated or leaked from the floodplain and not reaching the rivers, overbank flood water, leakage to groundwater and evaporation from rivers.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.11 - surface water allocation diversion

Surface water diverted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion). It includes allocated diversions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.13 Surface water allocation diversion - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.12 - surface water allocation diversion - urban water system

Surface water diverted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion). It includes allocated diversions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.13 - surface water allocation diversion - irrigation scheme

Surface water diverted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion). It includes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region

It excludes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.11 Surface water allocation diversion).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.14 - surface water transfer under inter-region commitment

Surface water transferred out of the region under a recognised inter-region commitment to deliver surface water (see line item 5.4 Inter-region commitment on surface water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.15 - surface water transfer under trade commitment

Surface water transferred out of the region under a recognised commitment to deliver surface water traded to another region (see line item 5.5 Commitment on water traded out of the region).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.16 - other delivery of allocated surface water

Surface water diverted under a recognised commitment to deliver surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.17 - decrease of inter-region claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the surface water. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contracts to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.18 - decrease of claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region held on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.19 - decrease of claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes claims on behalf of the urban water system, which are reported in line item 19.16 Decrease of urban claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.2 - river outlow from the region

River outflow from the region to either a downstream region or the sea.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.20 - decrease of other claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.21 - other surface water decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.3 - leakage to groundwater

Leakage from either the surface water, urban system or irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.4 - leakage to landscape

Leakage from either the surface water, urban water system or irrigation scheme to the unsaturated zone of the soil profile and which does not infiltrate to groundwater as recharge.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.5 - overbank flood spilling

Overflow from the surface water to the landscape. It includes flood waters that have overflowed the river channel top of bank and spilled to the flood plains. It excludes flood waters to seasonally connected wetlands and other surface water bodies.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.6 - diversions - other statutory rights

Surface water diverted under statutory rights other than entitlements (see line item 32.1 Other statutory surface water rights).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.7 - non-allocated diversions to users

Surface water diverted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.2 Surface water access entitlement for direct diversion). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes non-allocated diversions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.9 Non-allocated diversions - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.8 - non-allocated diversions - urban water system

Surface water diverted to an urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.2 Surface water access entitlement for direct diversion). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 17.9 - non-allocated diversions - irrigation scheme

Surface water diverted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.2 Surface water access entitlement for direct diversion). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes non-allocated diversions for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.1 - groundwater outflow to outside region

Lateral flow of groundwater out of the region's groundwater to inland groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region. It excludes lateral flow of groundwater to coastal aquifers.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.10 - non-allocated extractions - irrigation scheme

Groundwater extracted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region

It excludes non-allocated extractions for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.8 Non-allocated extractions to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.11 - groundwater allocation extraction

Groundwater extracted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocated extractions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.13 Groundwater allocation diversion - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.12 - groundwater allocation diversion - urban water system

Groundwater extracted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.13 - groundwater allocation diversion - irrigation scheme

Groundwater extracted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes allocated extractions for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.11 Groundwater allocation extraction).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.14 - groundwater transfer under inter-region commitment

Groundwater transferred out of the region under a recognised inter-region commitment to deliver groundwater (see line item 6.4 Inter-region commitment on groundwater).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.15 - groundwater transfer under trade commitment

Groundwater transferred out of the region under a recognised commitment to deliver groundwater traded to another region (see line item 6.5 Commitment on traded out groundwater).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.16 - other delivery of allocated groundwater

Groundwater diverted under a recognised commitment to deliver groundwater other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.17 - decrease of claims on groundwater

Decrease of claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the groundwater. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.18 - other groundwater decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.2 - groundwater outflow to outside region at coast

Lateral flow of groundwater out of the region to groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region at the coast.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.3 - discharge to landscape

Discharge from the groundwater to the landscape, including soil, unconnected lakes and wetlands. It includes capillary rise and evaporation from the water table aquifer.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.4 - discharge to surface water

Flow of groundwater from the saturated zone to streams, water storages, farm dams and natural surface water features. This is a form of groundwater-surface water interaction.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.5 - discharge to off-channel water storage

Discharge from groundwater to the region's off-channel water storages such as farm dams.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.6 - infiltration to urban water system

Infiltration of groundwater into the region's wastewater collection system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.7 - extraction - other statutory rights

Groundwater extracted under statutory rights other than entitlements (see line item 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.8 - non-allocated extractions to users

Groundwater extracted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes non-allocated extractions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.10 Non-allocated extractions - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 18.9 - non-allocated extractions - urban water system

Groundwater extracted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.1 - evaporation from urban water

Movement of water from the region's urban water system to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.10 - urban water discharge to groundwater

Water from the urban water system discharged either directly or indirectly to the groundwater. It includes recycled water discharged to infiltration basins for the purpose of recharging groundwater and wastewater discharged to groundwater via infiltration.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.11 - transfer of water outside of region

Water transferred out of the region from the urban water system without prior commitment to deliver water having being recognised. It includes export of non-potable, potable, wastewater and recycled water from the region due to the region's urban utilities servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.12 - delivery of committed urban water

Water transferred out of the region or delivered to urban water users from the urban water system under a recognised commitment, including result of a water trade, to deliver water. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.13 - delivery of other committed urban water

Water delivered from the urban water system under a recognised commitment other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.14 - decrease of urban inter-region claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claim resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.15 - decrease of urban claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.16 - decrease of urban claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 17.19 Decrease of claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.17 - decrease of urban claim on surface water

Decrease of claims on the region's surface water held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.18 - decrease of urban claim on groundwater

Decrease of claims on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.19 - decrease of other urban claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.2 - leakage to landscape

Leakage from the urban water system to the landscape. It includes non-potable, potable and recycled water supply system pipe bursts and wastewater collection system overflows. It excludes background leakage, which is included in line item 19.3 Leakage to groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.20 - other urban water decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.3 - leakage to groundwater

Leakage from either the surface water, urban system or irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.4 - delivery to urban water system users

Delivery of water from the region's urban water system to urban users. It includes non-potable, potable and recycled water supplied from the region's urban water system for residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and individual irrigation use. It excludes delivery of water to the region's irrigation schemes where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.5 - urban water discharge to surface water

Discharge from the urban water system to the region's surface water. It includes:

• non-potable, potable, treated wastewater and recycled water discharge to surface water

• pump back or transfer back of water to surface water for the purpose of storage. It includes releases to meet environmental requirements

• pump back or transfer of water to off-channel water storages that are part of the urban water supply system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.6 - urban water discharge to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water from the urban water system to the region's irrigation scheme without prior commitment to deliver water having been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.7 - wastewater discharge outside of region

Discharge of treated wastewater out of the region. This definition includes discharge to sea and to other regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.8 - other wastewater discharge

Discharge of treated wastewater other than that defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 19.9 - managed aquifer recharge

The volume of water intentionally transferred to ground water assets (e.g. via injection wells) from other water assets: either surface water, urban water system or irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 2.1 - water table aquifer

Portion of the groundwater that is contained in an aquifer that is not overlain by a confining bed and whose upper surface is a water table free to fluctuate in equilibrium with atmospheric pressure. It includes all types of unconfined aquifers, including fractured rock and sedimentary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 2.2 - underlying aquifers

Portion of the groundwater that is contained in an aquifer overlain by a confining bed. A confining bed acts as a barrier to water flow. Pressure in an underlying aquifer is typically greater than atmospheric pressure. It includes all types of confined aquifers, including fractured rock and sedimentary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 2.3 - groundwater claims on water

Claims to water outside the region held on behalf of the groundwater. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 2.4 - overdraft of groundwater allocation

Claim to water held on behalf of the groundwater, following an overdraft of groundwater allocation by an allocation holder that is not part of the water accounting region. This can be thought of as an advance draw.

It includes overdraft by private allocation holders.

It only includes overdraft by urban water system and irrigation schemes when those are not part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 2.5 - other groundwater assets

Physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.1 - evaporation from irrigation scheme

Movement of water from the region's irrigation scheme to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.10 - decrease of irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.11 - decrease of irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 17.19 Decrease of claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.12 - decrease of irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Decrease of claims on the region's surface water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.13 - decrease of irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Decrease of claims on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.14 - decrease of other irrigation scheme claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.15 - other irrigation scheme decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical irrigation scheme water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.2 - leakage to landscape

Leakage from the irrigation scheme to the landscape. It includes leakage from irrigation scheme pipes and channel bursts and overflows. It excludes background leakage, which is included in line item 20.3 Leakage to groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.3 - leakage to groundwater

Leakage from either the surface water, urban system or irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.4 - delivery to irrigation scheme users

Delivery of water from the region's irrigation scheme to users. It excludes delivery of water to the region's urban water system where it is part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.5 - return of water to surface water

Discharge from the irrigation scheme to the region's surface water. It includes point return from irrigation scheme (see [line item 9.5 Point return from irrigation scheme1203).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.7 - delivery of committed irrigation scheme water

Water transferred out of the region or delivered to users from the irrigation scheme under a recognised commitment, including result of water trade, to deliver water. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.8 - delivery of other committed irrigation scheme water

Water delivered from the irrgigation scheme under a recognised commitment other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 20.9 - decrease of irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claim resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.1 - surface water allocation announcements

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 21.3 Surface water allocation announcements - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.2 - surface water allocation announcements - urban system

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.3 - surface water allocation announcements - irrigation scheme

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocation announcements for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 21.1 Surface water allocation announcements).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.4 - increase of inter-region commitment on surface water

Increase of commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water outside the region. It includes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region (reported in line items 21.1- surface water allocation announcements, 21.21364 or 21.31365.)

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.5 - increase of commitment on traded out surface water

Increase of commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 21.6 - other surface water liability increases

Increase of surface water liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.1 - groundwater allocation announcements

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 22.3 Groundwater allocation announcements - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.2

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.3 - groundwater allocation announcements - irrigation scheme

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.4 - increase of inter-region commitment on groundwater

Increase of commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water outside the region. It includes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

It excludes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region (reported in line items 22.1 - groundwater allocation announcements, 22.2 - groundwater allocation announcements - urban system or 22.3 - groundwater allocation announcements - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.5 - increase of commitment on traded out groundwater

Increase of commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 22.6 - other groundwater liability increases

Increase of groundwater liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 23.1 - urban commitment to deliver water

Increase of commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's urban water system to deliver water to urban water users or to other urban water systems outside the region. It excludes increase of commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 23.2 - other urban system liability increases

Urban water system liability increases other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 24.1 - irrigation scheme commitment to deliver water

Increase of commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's irrigation scheme to deliver water to users or to other irrigation schemes outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 24.2 - other irrigation scheme liability increases

Irrigation scheme liability increases other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 25.1 - unaccounted-for difference

The volume necessary to reconcile the opening water storage and closing water storage with the total water inflows and total water outflows reported in the water accounting statements. This definition recognises that in the 2011 Account, there is no uncertainty attached to the values of the line items associated with water liabilities (commitments on water) and non-physical water assets (claims to water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 26.1 - soil moisture

Water in the unsaturated zone of the soil profile.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 26.2 - flood waters out of channel

Water from flood events stored on flood plains.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 26.3 - lakes and wetlands

Other water bodies, of natural origin, for which the primary purpose is not abstractive or consumptive use. It may include water in natural lakes, ponds, lagoons, wetlands, billabongs and groundwater-fed water bodies that are not classified as storages based on their primary purpose.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 27.1 - off-channel water storages

Water in constructed storages not connected, either seasonally or perennially, to rivers. Storages are filled predominantly by harvesting local catchment runoff. Other water sources include abstractions from surface water and groundwater. It includes off-channel farm dams and industrial, commercial and mining water storages. It excludes:

• on-channel farm dams, industrial, commercial and mining water storages

• off-channel storages operated to supply urban water systems (included in line item 3.1 Urban water supply system).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 27.2 - rainwater tanks

Water stored in on-site infrastructure primarily designed to collect rainfall.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 27.3 - other off-channel storages

Water stored in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 28.1 - precipitation on landscape

All forms in which water falls on the region's landscape as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It excludes water that falls on the region's surface water, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 29.1 - evaporation from landscape

Movement of water from the region's landscape water to the atmosphere (water vapour). It excludes evaporation from the region's surface water, groundwater, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 29.2 - runoff harvesting

Runoff water harvested into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 29.3 - other landscape decreases

Decreases in landscape water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.1 - urban water supply system

Water in the urban potable and non-potable water supply system, including pipes and tanks and off-stream ponds, which regulate water flow for operational purpose and not medium to long term water storage. It includes water in off-channel water storages that has already been abstracted by the region's urban water utilities, including dead storage capacity. It excludes recycled water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.10 - other urban water assets

Physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.2 - wastewater collection system

Water in the urban wastewater collection system, including wastewater lagoons and ponds, pipes, tanks, pits, sumps and storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.3 - recycled water supply system

Treated effluent water from wastewater treatment plants or sewer mining operations fit for recycled use and contained in the recycled water supply, including pipes, tanks and storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.4 - urban inter-region claim on water

Claims to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.5 - urban claim on traded water

Claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.6 - urban claim on desalinated water

Claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 1.7 Claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.7 - urban claim on surface water

Claim to surface water within the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes volume of surface water allocation remaining held by the region's urban utilities.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.8 - urban claim on groundwater

Claim to groundwater within the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes volume of groundwater allocation remaining held by the region's urban utilities.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 3.9 - other urban claims on water

Claims to water on behalf of the urban water system other than those included elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.1 - precipitation on off-channel water store

All forms in which water falls on the region's off-channel water store as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It includes precipitation on off-channel water storages and collected into rainwater tanks. It excludes precipitation on the region's landscape, surface water, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.2 - groundwater discharge into off-channel water store

Discharge of water from the region's groundwater into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.3 - runoff harvesting into off-channel water store

Runoff water harvested into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.4 - surface water diversion into off-channel water store

Surface water diverted into off-channel water storages under water access entitlements or other statutory water rights. This definition includes surface water allocations diverted into farm dams for the purpose of storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.5 - groundwater extraction into off-channel water store

Groundwater diverted into off-channel water storages under water access entitlements or other statutory water rights. This definition includes surface water allocations diverted into farm dams for the purpose of storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 30.6 - other off-channel water increases

Increases in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 31.1 - evaporation from off-channel water storages

Movement of water from the region's off-channel water store to the atmosphere (water vapour). It excludes evaporation from the region's landscape water, surface water, groundwater, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 31.2 - leakages from off-channel water storages

Leakage from off-channel water storages into the region's groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 31.3 - water use

Abstraction of water from the off-channel water store for use.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 31.4 - other off-channel water decreases

Decreases in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 32.1 - other statutory surface water rights

Water rights granted by a jurisdiction on the surface water resource, external to an entitlement system. These rights may be granted under a State Water Act or a water plan. They include land owner basic rights, riparian rights and non-entitled water rights for stock and domestic and mining purposes. In the National Water Account, no commitment to deliver water (water liability) is recognised for these water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 32.2 - surface water access entitlement for direct diversion

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the surface water resource, for which no allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include unregulated entitlement on issue in unregulated systems and in regulated systems. Unregulated flows accessed outside the normal allocation process in regulated systems are referred to as supplementary water in New South Wales.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 32.3 - surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the surface water resource, for which an allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include regulated entitlement.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 32.4 - other surface water rights

Surface water rights other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 33.1 - other statutory groundwater rights

Water rights granted by a jurisdiction on the groundwater resource, external to an entitlement system. These rights may be granted under a State Water Act or a water plan. They include land owner basic rights and non-entitled water rights for stock and domestic and mining purposes. In the National Water Account, no commitment to deliver water (water liability) is recognised for these water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 33.2 - groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the groundwater resource for which no allocation (water liability) has been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 33.3 - groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the groundwater resource, for which an allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include regulated entitlement. They include entitlements for which the entitled volume has been recognised as a water liability, although there was no formal allocation announcement.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 33.4 - other groundwater rights

Groundwater rights other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 34.1 - combined surface water and groundwater rights

Water access entitlements on issue that grant access to either surface water or groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 35.1 - trade of surface water entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 35.2 - trade of surface water entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's geographic boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 35.3 - trade of surface water entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's geographic boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 36.1 - lease of surface water entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 36.2 - lease of surface water entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 36.3 - lease of surface water entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 37.1 - surface water allocation trade within region

Transfer of surface water allocation between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 37.2 - surface water allocation trade into region

Transfer of surface water allocation from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 37.3 - surface water allocation trade out of region

Transfer of surface water allocation from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 38.1 - trade of groundwater entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 38.2 - trade of groundwater entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 38.3 - trade of groundwater entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 39.1 - lease of groundwater entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 39.2 - lease of groundwater entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 39.3 - lease of groundwater entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.1 - irrigation water supply system

Water in the irrigation water supply and collection system, including pipes, artificial channels and tanks. It includes water in off-channel water storages that has already been abstracted by the region's irrigation scheme, including dead storage capacity. It excludes water in private channels and storages, already abstracted from the scheme by individual irrigators.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.2 - irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Claims to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.3 - irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.4 - irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 1.7 Claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.5 - irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Claim to surface water within the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes volume of surface water allocation remaining held by the region's irrigation entities.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.6 - irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Claim to groundwater within the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes volume of groundwater allocation remaining held by the region's irrigation entities.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.7 - other irrigation scheme claims on water

Claims to water on behalf of the irrigation scheme other than those included elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 4.8 - other irrigation scheme water assets

Physical and non-physical irrigation scheme water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 40.1 - groundwater allocation trade within region

Transfer of groundwater allocation between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 40.2 - groundwater allocation trade into region

Transfer of groundwater allocation from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 40.3 - groundwater allocation trade out of region

Transfer of groundwater allocation from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 41.1 - precipitation on storages

All forms in which water falls on the region's water storages as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 41.2 - groundwater discharge into storages

Groundwater discharge to the region's water storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 41.3 - runoff into storages

Water that rans off into the region's water storages. It includes river flow into the water storages and runoff flowing directly from the landscape into the storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 41.4 - transfer of water into storages

Water transferred via infrastructure into the water storages under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 41.5 - other storage increases

Inflows into water storages other than those defined elsewhere. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.1 - evaporation from storages

Movement of water from the region's water storages to the atmosphere (water vapour). The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.2 - groundwater recharge from storages

Infiltration from the water storages to the region's groundwater. It includes the deliberate recharge of groundwater from water storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.3 - leakage from storages

Leakage from the water storages to the soil. It excludes recharge to groundwater. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.4 - spillage from storages

Overflow from water storages via spillway and leakage through a dams' wall into downstream river. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.5 - releases from storages

Releases from water storages into a downstream river under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. It includes releases to provide environmental benefit and responses to calls on announced allocation. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.6 - diversions from storages

Diversions via infrastructure from water storages under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. It includes diversions within the region and out of the region. It excludes releases to a downstream river. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 42.7 - other storage decreases

Outflows from water storages other than those defined elsewhere. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 Storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.1 - surface water allocation remaining

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 5.3 surface water allocation remaining - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.2 - surface water allocation remaining - urban water system

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for: • allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.3 - surface water allocation remaining - irrigation scheme

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 5.1 surface water allocation remaining).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.4 - inter-region commitment on surface water

Commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water outside the region. It includes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region. Such commitment is reported as line item 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.5 - commitment on water traded out of the region

Commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 5.6 - other surface water liability

Surface water liability other than those defined elsewhere. It does not include rules-based obligation, such as a commitment to ensure minimum passing flows to a downstream region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.1 - groundwater allocation remaining

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocations remaining for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a+F805 water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 6.3 Groundwater allocation remaining - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.2 - groundwater allocation remaining - urban water system

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.3 - groundwater allocation remaining - irrigation scheme

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 6.1 Groundwater allocation remaining).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.4 - inter-region commitment on groundwater

Commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water outside the region. It includes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region. Such commitment is reported as line item 6.1- groundwater allocation remaining, 6.2- groundwater allocation remaining - urban water system or 6.3- groundwater allocation remaining - irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.5 - commitment on traded out groundwater

Commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 6.6 - other groundwater liability

Groundwater liability other than those defined elsewhere. It does not include rules-based obligation, such as a commitment to maintain groundwater at a certain level.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 7.1 - urban system commitment to provide water

Commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's urban water system to deliver water to urban water users or to other urban water systems outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 7.2 - other urban water liability

Urban water system liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 8.1 - irrigation scheme commitment to provide water

Commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's irrigation scheme to deliver water to users or to other irrigation schemes outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 8.2 - other irrigation scheme liability

Irrigation scheme liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.1 - precipitation on surface water

All forms in which water falls on the region's surface water as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.10 - direct discharge by user

Discharge of water by a user to the region's surface water done directly and not through the urban or irrigation collection systems. It includes discharge of water that has been self-abstracted or delivered through an urban or irrigation water supply system.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.11 - delivery of water under inter-region agreement

Delivery of imported water to the region's surface water to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the surface water. The prior claim may be an inter-basin agreement or an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region, but excludes water trade (see line item 9.12 Delivery of traded water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.12 - delivery of traded water

Delivery of water into the region's surface water to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see line item 9.16 Increase of claim on water traded into the region).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.13 - delivery of claimed desalinated water

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's surface water to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the surface water. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised (see line item 9.8 Delivery of desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.14 - other delivery of water

Delivery of water to the region's surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.15 - increase of inter-region claim on water

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the surface water. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.16 - increase of claim on water traded into the region

Increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.17 - increase of claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes increase of claim held on behalf of the urban water system (see line item 11.17 Increase of urban claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.18 - increase of other claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.19 - other surface water increases

Increases of physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.2 - river inflow to region

River inflow that enters the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.3 - groundwater discharge

Groundwater discharge to the region's surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.4 - runoff to surface water

Runoff from landscape to the region's surface water due to rainfall or irrigation.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.5 - point return from irrigation scheme

Point discharge from irrigation scheme to the region's surface water. It includes overflows from irrigation scheme water supply channels and discharge of used irrigation water from irrigation scheme collection systems.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.6 - overbank flood return to river channel

Return of flood waters from the flood plains. It excludes flood waters returning from seasonally connected wetlands and other surface water bodies.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.7 - delivery of water from outside region

Delivery of imported water to the region's surface water where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.8 - delivery of desalinated water

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's surface water where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2011line item 9.9 - discharge from urban water system

Discharge from urban water systems to the region's surface water. It includes discharge of non-potable, potable, treated wastewater and recycled water. It includes pump back or transfer back of water to surface water for the purpose of storage and releases to meet environmental requirements. It excludes pump back or transfer of water to off-channel water storages considered part of the urban water system (see line item 3.1 Urban water supply system).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.1 – storage

Water in artificial or natural water storages connected to rivers, for which primary purpose is medium to long term water storage to service surface water access rights. These storages can be managed by an organisation to provide water to a rural or urban water system. Weirs that are used primarily to redirect flows are excluded. The volumetric capacity reported includes dead storage capacity.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.10 – other surface water assets

Physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.2 – unregulated river

A river where there is no entitlement system at all or where there is an entitlement system which does not allow orders to be placed for upstream release of a licensed allocation. It includes locks and weirs used primarily to redirect flows that are located on unregulated stretches of river.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.3 – regulated river

A river on which a licensed entitlement regime exists with centralised allocation, and from which orders may be placed for upstream release of a licensed allocation. A necessary, but not sufficient condition for a river to be regulated is that it is located downstream of a surface water storage. Includes locks and weirs used primarily to redirect flows that are located on regulated stretches of river.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.4 – lakes and wetlands

Other water bodies, of natural origin, for which the primary purpose is not abstractive or consumptive use. They may include water in natural lakes, ponds, lagoons, wetlands, billabongs and groundwater-fed water bodies that are not classified as storages based on their primary purpose.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.5 – inter–region claim on water

A claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the surface water. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.6 – claim on water traded into the region

A claim to water resulting from water traded into the region held on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.7 – claim on desalinated water

A claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes claims on behalf of the urban water system, which are reported in account 2012-2017 line item 3.6 – urban claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.8 – other claims on water

A claim to water held on behalf of the surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 1.9 – overdraft of surface water allocation

A claim to water held on behalf of the surface water, following an overdraft of surface water allocation by an allocation holder that is not part of the water accounting region. This can be thought of as an 'advance draw'. It includes overdraft by private allocation holders.

It only includes overdraft by urban water system and irrigation schemes when those are not part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.1 – groundwater inflow from outside region

Lateral flow of groundwater into the region's groundwater from inland groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region. It excludes lateral flow of groundwater from coastal aquifers.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.10 – discharge from urban water system to groundwater

Discharge from the urban water system either directly or indirectly to the region's groundwater. It includes recycled water discharge to infiltration basins for the purpose of recharging groundwater and wastewater discharge to groundwater via infiltration.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.11 – delivery of claimed water to groundwater

Delivery of water to the region's groundwater to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.12 – increase of groundwater claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's groundwater. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

• water traded into the region.

It excludes claims resulting from inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.13 – other groundwater increases

Increases of physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.2 – groundwater inflow from outside region at coast

Lateral flow of groundwater into the region from groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region at the coast.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.3 – recharge from landscape

Diffuse recharge from landscape to the region's groundwater due to both natural and artificial processes. It includes irrigation induced recharge. It excludes urban infiltration basin recharge or managed aquifer recharge.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.4 – recharge from surface water

Recharge from surface water to the region's groundwater. It includes the deliberate recharge of groundwater from surface water storages and rivers.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.5 – leakage from off – channel water storage

Leakage from off-channel water storages to the region's groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.6 – leakage from urban water system

Leakage from urban water systems to the region's groundwater. It includes exfiltration from wastewater collection systems. It includes leakage from non-potable, potable and recycled water supply systems. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.7 – leakage from irrigation scheme

Leakage from an irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It includes leakage from irrigation channels, tanks and storages that form part of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.8 – managed aquifer recharge – private user

Managed aquifer recharge other than from the urban water system to the region's groundwater. It includes stormwater and industrial wastewater used for managed aquifer recharge and for a managed aquifer recharge scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 10.9 – managed aquifer recharge – urban water system

Managed aquifer recharge from the urban water system to the region's groundwater. It includes non-potable and recycled water used in a managed aquifer recharge scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.1 – precipitation on urban water system

All forms in which water falls on the region's urban water system as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It includes precipitation on wastewater treatment lagoons or ponds, recycled water storages and off-channel water storages that are part of the urban water system. It excludes precipitation on surface water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.10 – delivery of traded water to urban water system

Delivery of water into the region's urban water system to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see account 2012-2017 line item 11.16 – increase of urban claim on traded water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.11 – delivery of claimed desalinated water to urban water system

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's urban water system to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised (see account 2012-2017 line item 11.6 – delivery of desalinated water to urban water system). It excludes water delivered to an urban water system from the region's surface water that was originally desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.12 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to urban water system

Diversion of surface water to the region's urban water system to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under account 2012-2017 line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.13 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to urban water system

Diversion of groundwater to the region's urban water system to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under account 2012-2017 line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.14 – other delivery of water to urban water system

Delivery of physical water to the region's urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.15 – increase of inter – region claim on water by urban water system

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.16 – increase of urban claim on traded water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the urban water system resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.17 – increase of urban claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes an increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water (see line item 9.17 – increase of surface water claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.18 – increase of urban claim on surface water

Increase of claim on the region's surface water held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's surface water for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.19 – increase of urban claim on groundwater

Increase of claim on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's groundwater for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.2 – entitled diversion of non-allocated surface water to urban water system

Diversion from the region's surface water into the urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes diversions under 32.2–surface water access entitlement for non-allocated diversions and the 32.1–other statutory surface water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.20 – increase of other urban claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.21 – other urban water system increases

Increases of physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.3 – entitled extraction of non–allocated groundwater to urban water system

Extraction from the region's groundwater into the urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes extractions under 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction and 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.4 – wastewater collected

Metered volume of wastewater collected by the wastewater collection network, which is part of the region's wastewater system. It includes wastewater discharged following the use of water supplied via the region's urban water supply system or taken individually (e.g. from rainwater tanks).

It excludes wastewater collected by urban utilities outside the region and then transferred into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.5 – delivery of water from outside region to urban water system

Delivery of imported water to the region's urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system. It includes potable, non-potable, wastewater and recycled water transferred into the region by urban water agencies servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.6 – delivery of desalinated water to urban water system

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's urban water system where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.7 – stormwater ingress

Ingress of stormwater into the region's wastewater system.

Note: This item shouldn't be considered as part of the urban water system increases. Wastewater collected (metered volume) includes this component (see account 2012-2017 line item 11.4). However, this item is to be considered as part of the 'Landscape store decrease'.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.8 – infiltration from groundwater to urban water system

Infiltration of groundwater into the region's wastewater system.

Note: This item shouldn't be considered as part of the 'Urban water system increases'. Wastewater collected (metered volume) includes this component (see account 2012-2017 line item 11.4). However, this item is to be considered as part of the 'Groundwater store decrease'.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 11.9 – delivery of water to urban water system under inter-region agreement

Delivery of imported water to the region's urban water system to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the urban water system. The prior claim may be an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region or another agreement at allocation (retail level), but excludes water trade and contracts for the delivery of desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.1 – precipitation on irrigation scheme

All forms in which water falls on the region's irrigation scheme as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. F873It includes precipitation on irrigation supply and collection channels, and irrigation scheme storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.10 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to irrigation scheme

Diversion of groundwater to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under account 2012-2017 line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.11 – other delivery of water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of physical water to the region's irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.12 – increase of irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.13 – increase of irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the irrigation scheme resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.14 – increase of irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes an increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water (see line item 9.17 – increase of surface water claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.15 – increase of irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Increase of claim on the region's surface water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's surface water for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.16 – increase of irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Increase of claim on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes allocations announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period on the region's groundwater for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.17 – increase of other irrigation scheme claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.18 – other irrigation water increases

Increases of physical and non-physical irrigation scheme assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.2 – entitled diversion of non – allocated surface water to irrigation scheme

Diversion from the region's surface water into the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under 32.2 – surface water access entitlement for non-allocated diversions and 32.1 – other statutory surface water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.3 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to irrigation scheme

Extraction from the region's groundwater into the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes extractions under 33.2 Groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction and 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.4 – discharge from urban water system to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water from the region's urban water system to the irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes recycled water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.5 – delivery of water from outside region to irrigation scheme

Delivery of imported water to the region's irrigation scheme where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes water transferred into the region by irrigation entities servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.6 – delivery of water to irrigation scheme under inter–region agreement

Delivery of imported water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. The prior claim may be an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region or another agreement at allocation (retail level), but excludes water trade and contracts for the delivery of desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.7 – delivery of traded water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water into the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see line item 12.13 – increase of irrigation scheme claim on traded water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.8 – delivery of claimed desalinated water to irrigation scheme

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 12.9 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to irrigation scheme

Diversion of surface water to the region's irrigation scheme to service a prior allocation announced on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes diversions under account 2012-2017 line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.1 – adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 13.3 – adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.2 – adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation – urban water system

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.3 – adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation – irrigation scheme

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the surface water held on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation scheme considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 13.1–adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.4 – adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on surface water

Adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on surface water (see line item 5.4–inter-region commitment on surface water) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.5 – adjustment and forfeiture of traded surface water commitment

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment resulting from trade of surface water out of the region (see line item 5.5 – commitment on water traded out of the region) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 13.6 – other surface water liability decreases

Decreases of surface water liabilities other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.1 – adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 14.3 – adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.2 – adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation – urban water system

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.3 – adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation – irrigation scheme

Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on the groundwater held on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of allocation for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 14.1 – adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.4 – adjustment and forfeiture of inter–region commitment on groundwater

Adjustment and forfeiture of inter-region commitment on groundwater (see line item 6.4 – inter-region commitment on groundwater) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.5 – adjustment and forfeiture of traded groundwater commitment

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment resulting from trade of groundwater out of the region (see line item 6.5 – commitment on traded out groundwater) approved during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that has not been serviced at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 14.6 – other groundwater liability decreases

Decreases of groundwater liabilities other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 15.1 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban water system commitment to deliver water

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment made during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) to deliver water from the region's urban water system to users within or out of the region or to other urban water systems out of the region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the irrigation scheme where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 15.2 – other urban water system liability decreases

Decreases of urban water system liabilities other than those defined elsewhere. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the irrigation scheme where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 16.1 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme commitment to deliver water

Adjustment and forfeiture of commitment made during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) to deliver water from the region's irrigation scheme to users within or out of the region or to other irrigation schemes out of the region. It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the urban water system where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 16.2 – other irrigation scheme liability decreases

Decreases of irrigation scheme liabilities other than those defined elsewhere. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of commitment to deliver water to surface water, groundwater and the F910urban water system where those are part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.1 – evaporation from surface water

Movement of water from the region's surface water to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.10 – river and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors

All uncalculated flows and changes in storage and errors made on calculated terms related to the surface water. The main uncalculated ouflows may include: runoff water evaporated or leaked from the floodplain and not reaching the rivers, overbank flood water, leakage to groundwater and evaporation from rivers.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.11 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to users

Surface water diverted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocated diversions). It includes allocated diversions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.13 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.12 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to urban water system

Surface water diverted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see account 2012-2017 line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion). It includes allocated diversions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.13 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to irrigation scheme

Surface water diverted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocated diversions). It includes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region

It excludes allocated diversions for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.11 – entitled diversion of allocated surface water to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.14 – surface water transfer under inter-region commitment

Surface water transferred out of the region under a recognised inter-region commitment to deliver surface water (see line item 5.4 – inter-region commitment on surface water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.15 – surface water transfer under trade commitment

Surface water transferred out of the region under a recognised commitment to deliver surface water traded to another region (see line item 5.5 – commitment on water traded out of the region).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.16 – other delivery of allocated surface water

Surface water diverted under a recognised commitment to deliver surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.17 – decrease of inter – region surface water claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the surface water. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contracts to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.18 – decrease of surface water claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region held on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.19 – decrease of surface water claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes claims on behalf of the urban water system, which are reported in line item 19.16 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.2 – river outflow from the region

River outflow from the region to either a downstream region or the sea.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.20 – decrease of other surface water claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.21 – other surface water decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.3 – leakage to groundwater

Leakage from either the surface water, urban system or irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.4 – leakage to landscape

Leakage from either the surface water, urban water system or irrigation scheme to the unsaturated zone of the soil profile and which does not infiltrate to groundwater as recharge.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.5 – overbank flood spilling

Overflow from the surface water to the landscape. It includes flood waters that have overflowed the river channel top of bank and spilled to the flood plains. It excludes flood waters to seasonally connected wetlands and other surface water bodies.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.6 – Surface water diversions – other statutory rights

Surface water diverted under statutory rights other than entitlements (see account 2012-2017 line item 32.1 – other statutory surface water rights).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.7 – entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to users

Surface water diverted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see account 2012-2017 line item 32.2–surface water access entitlement for direct diversion). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes non-allocated diversions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in account 2012-2017 line item line item 17.9 – non-allocated diversions - irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.8 – entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to urban water system

Surface water diverted to an urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.2 – surface water access entitlement for non-allocated diversions). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 17.9 – entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to irrigation scheme

Surface water diverted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 32.2–surface water access entitlement for non-allocated diversions). It includes non-allocated diversions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes non-allocated diversions for:

• irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 17.7 – entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.1 – groundwater outflow to outside region

Lateral flow of groundwater out of the region's groundwater to inland groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region. It excludes lateral flow of groundwater to coastal aquifers.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.10 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to irrigation scheme

Groundwater extracted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 – groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region

It excludes non-allocated extractions for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.8 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.11 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users

Groundwater extracted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocated extractions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.13 – groundwater allocation diversion – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.12 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to urban water system

Groundwater extracted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.13 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to irrigation scheme

Groundwater extracted to irrigation schemes under water access entitlements for which an allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction). It includes allocated extractions for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes allocated extractions for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.11 – entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.14 – groundwater transfer under inter–region commitment

Groundwater transferred out of the region under a recognised inter-region commitment to deliver groundwater (see line item 6.4 – inter-region commitment on groundwater).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.15 – groundwater transfer under trade commitment

Groundwater transferred out of the region under a recognised commitment to deliver groundwater traded to another region (see line item 6.5 – commitment on traded out groundwater).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.16 – other delivery of allocated groundwater

Groundwater diverted under a recognised commitment to deliver groundwater other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.17 – decrease of claims on groundwater

Decrease of claim to water outside the region held on behalf of the groundwater. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

It excludes adjustment and forfeiture of claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.18 – other groundwater decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.2 – groundwater outflow to outside region at coast

Lateral flow of groundwater out of the region to groundwater aquifers that extend outside the region at the coast.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.3 – discharge to landscape

Discharge from the groundwater to the landscape, including soil, unconnected lakes and wetlands. It includes capillary rise and evaporation from the water table aquifer.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.4 – discharge to surface water

Flow of groundwater from the saturated zone to streams, water storages, farm dams and natural surface water features. This is a form of groundwater-surface water interaction.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.5 – discharge to off-channel water storage

Discharge from groundwater to the region's off-channel water storages such as farm dams.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.6 – infiltration to urban water system

Infiltration of groundwater into the region's wastewater system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.7 – groundwater extraction – other statutory rights

Groundwater extracted under statutory rights other than entitlements (see line item 33.1 – other statutory groundwater rights).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.8 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to users

Groundwater extracted to users other than the urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 – groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes non-allocated extractions for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 18.10 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 18.9 – entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to urban water system

Groundwater extracted to urban water system, under water access entitlements for which no allocation has been recognised (see line item 33.2 – groundwater access entitlement for direct extraction). It includes non-allocated extractions for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.1 – evaporation from urban water system

Movement of water from the region's urban water system to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.10 – discharge from urban water system to groundwater

Water from the urban water system discharged either directly or indirectly to groundwater. It includes recycled treated wastewater discharged to infiltration basins for the purpose of recharging groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.11 – transfer of water outside of region

Water transferred out of the region from the urban water system without prior commitment to deliver water having being recognised. It includes export of non-potable, potable, wastewater and recycled water from the region due to the region's urban utilities servicing an area that extends outside the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.12 – delivery of committed urban water

Water transferred out of the region or delivered to urban water users from the urban water system under a recognised commitment, including result of a water trade, to deliver water. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.13 – delivery of other committed urban water

Water delivered from the urban water system under a recognised commitment other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.14 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban inter-region claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claim resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.15 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.16 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 17.19 – decrease of surface water claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.17 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban claim on surface water

Decrease of claims on the region's surface water held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.18 – adjustment and forfeiture of urban claim on groundwater

Decrease of claims on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the urban water system. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.19 – Adjustment and forfeiture of other urban claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the urban water system other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.2 – leakage to landscape

Leakage from the urban water system to the landscape. It includes pipe bursts and overflows from the water supply system and the recycled water system. It excludes background leakage from urban water supply system and the recycled water system, which are included in account 2012-2017 line item 19.3 – leakage to groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.20 – other urban water system decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere. Includes losses from the water supply system and [recycled water][793] system not included in account lines items 19.2 and 19.3 (e.g. other water losses included as part of 'non-revenue water' components).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.3 – leakage to groundwater

Leakage from the urban water system to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape reported at account line item 19.2 – leakage to landscape.

It includes background leakage from the urban water supply system and the recycled water system. It excludes pipe bursts and overflows from the urban water supply system and the recycled water system, which are included in account 2012-2017 line item 19.2 – leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.4 – delivery to urban water system users

Delivery of water from the region's urban water system to urban users.

It includes portable, non-potable and recycled water supplied from the region's urban water system for residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and individual irrigation use. It excludes delivery of water to the region's irrigation schemes, which is reported under line item 19.6 – urban water discharge to irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.5 – discharge from urban water system to surface water

Discharge from the urban water system to the region's surface water. It includes:

• potable and non-potable water discharge to surface water from urban water supply system including pump back or transfer back from the water supply system to surface water for the purpose of storage;

• discharge of wastewater system to surface water (treated wastewater discharge under licences, other spills or losses of wastewater to surface water);

• discharge of [recycled water][793] to surface water to meet environmental requirements; and

• discharge of [recycled water][793] to surface water to augment potable water supply.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.6 – discharge from urban water system to irrigation scheme

Delivery of water from the urban water system to the region's irrigation scheme without prior commitment to deliver water having been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.7 – wastewater discharge outside of region

Discharge of treated wastewater out of the region. This definition includes discharge to sea and to other regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.8 – other wastewater discharge

Discharge of treated wastewater other than those defined elsewhere. It includes treated wastewater discharged to landscape (e.g. in excess of the volume required for use as recycled water). Volumes discharged from recycled water use are excluded.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 19.9 – managed aquifer recharge

The volume of water intentionally transferred to ground water assets (e.g. via injection wells) from the urban water system. It includes potable, non-potable and [recycled water][793] used for managed aquifer recharge schemes.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 2.1 – water table aquifer

Portion of the groundwater that is contained in an aquifer that is not overlain by a confining bed and whose upper surface is a water table free to fluctuate in equilibrium with atmospheric pressure. It includes all types of unconfined aquifers, including fractured rock and sedimentary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 2.2 – underlying aquifers

Portion of the groundwater that is contained in an aquifer overlain by a confining bed. A confining bed acts as a barrier to water flow. Pressure in an underlying aquifer is typically greater than atmospheric pressure. It includes all types of confined aquifers, including fractured rock and sedimentary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 2.3 – groundwater claims on water

Claims to water outside the region held on behalf of the groundwater. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 2.4 – overdraft of groundwater allocation

Claim to water held on behalf of the groundwater, following an overdraft of groundwater allocation by an allocation holder that is not part of the water accounting region. This can be thought of as an advance draw.

It includes overdraft by private allocation holders.

It only includes overdraft by urban water system and irrigation schemes when those are not part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 2.5 – other groundwater assets

Physical and non-physical groundwater assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.1 – evaporation from irrigation scheme

Movement of water from the region's irrigation scheme to the atmosphere (water vapour).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.10 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Decrease of claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.11 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Decrease of claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 17.19 – decrease of surface water claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.12 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Decrease of claims on the region's surface water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.13 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Decrease of claims on the region's groundwater held on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation announced or otherwise recognised during the reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) for the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.14 – adjustment and forfeiture of other irrigation scheme claims on water

Decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the irrigation scheme other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.15 – other irrigation scheme decreases

Decreases of physical and non-physical irrigation scheme water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.2 – leakage to landscape

Leakage from the irrigation scheme to the landscape. It includes leakage from irrigation scheme pipes and channel bursts and overflows. It excludes background leakage, which is included in line item 20.3 – leakage to groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.3 – leakage to groundwater

Leakage from either the surface water, urban system or irrigation scheme to the region's groundwater. It excludes pipe bursts, overflows or spills, which are classified as leakage to landscape.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.4 – delivery to irrigation scheme users

Delivery of water from the region's irrigation scheme to users. It excludes delivery of water to the region's urban water system where it is part of the water accounting region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.5 – return of water to surface water

Discharge from the irrigation scheme to the region's surface water. It includes point return from irrigation scheme (see [line item 9.5 – point return from irrigation scheme1596).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.7 – delivery of committed irrigation scheme water

Water transferred out of the region or delivered to users from the irrigation scheme under a recognised commitment, including result of water trade, to deliver water. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.8 – delivery of other committed irrigation scheme water

Water delivered from the irrgigation scheme under a recognised commitment other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 20.9 – adjustment and forfeiture of irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Decrease of claim to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes adjustment and forfeiture of claim resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.1 – surface water allocation announcements

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 21.3 – surface water allocation announcements – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.2 – surface water allocation announcements – urban water system

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.3 – surface water allocation announcements – irrigation scheme

Surface water allocation announcement on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocation announcements for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 21.1 – surface water allocation announcements).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.4 – increase of inter-region commitment on surface water

Increase of commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water outside the region. It includes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region (reported in line items 21.1, 21.21753 or 21.31754.)

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.5 – increase of commitment on traded out surface water

Increase of commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 21.6 – other surface water liability increases

Increase of surface water liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.1 – groundwater allocation announcements

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 22.3 – groundwater allocation announcements – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.2 – groundwater allocation announcements – urban water system

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocation announcements for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.3 – groundwater allocation announcements – irrigation scheme

Groundwater allocation announcement on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region.

It excludes allocation announcements for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 22.1 – groundwater allocation announcements).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.4 – increase of inter-region commitment on groundwater

Increase of commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water outside the region. It includes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level

It excludes increase of commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region (reported in line items 22.1 – groundwater allocation announcements, 22.2 – groundwater allocation announcements – urban water system or 22.3 – groundwater allocation announcements – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.5 – increase of commitment on traded out groundwater

Increase of commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 22.6 – other groundwater liability increases

Increase of groundwater liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 23.1 – urban commitment to deliver water

Increase of commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's urban water system to deliver water to urban water users or to other urban water systems outside the region. It excludes increase of commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 23.2 – other urban system liability increases

Urban water system liability increases other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 24.1 – irrigation scheme commitment to deliver water

Increase of commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's irrigation scheme to deliver water to users or to other irrigation schemes outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 24.2 – other irrigation scheme liability increases

Irrigation scheme liability increases other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 25.1 – unaccounted-for difference

The volume necessary to reconcile the opening water storage and closing water storage with the total water inflows and total water outflows reported in the water accounting statements. This definition recognises that in the 2011 Account, there is no uncertainty attached to the values of the line items associated with water liabilities (commitments on water) and non-physical water assets (claims to water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 26.1 – soil moisture

Water in the unsaturated zone of the soil profile.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 26.2 – flood waters out of channel

Water from flood events stored on flood plains.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 26.3 – lakes and wetlands

Other water bodies, of natural origin, for which the primary purpose is not abstractive or consumptive use. It may include water in natural lakes, ponds, lagoons, wetlands, billabongs and groundwater-fed water bodies that are not classified as storages based on their primary purpose.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 27.1 – off-channel water storages

Water in constructed storages not connected, either seasonally or perennially, to rivers. Storages are filled predominantly by harvesting local catchment runoff. Other water sources include abstractions from surface water and groundwater. It includes off-channel farm dams and industrial, commercial and mining water storages. It excludes:

• on-channel farm dams, industrial, commercial and mining water storages

• off-channel storages operated to supply urban water systems (included in line item 3.1 – urban water supply system).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 27.2 – rainwater tanks

Water stored in on-site infrastructure primarily designed to collect rainfall.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 27.3 – other off-channel storages

Water stored in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 28.1 – precipitation on landscape

All forms in which water falls on the region's landscape as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It excludes water that falls on the region's surface water, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 29.1 – evapotranspiration from landscape

Movement of water from the region's landscape water to the atmosphere (water vapour). It excludes evaporation from the region's surface water, groundwater, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 29.2 – runoff harvesting

Runoff water harvested into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 29.3 – other landscape decreases

Decreases in landscape water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.1 – urban water supply system

Water in the potable and non-potable water supply system, including pipes and tanks. It excludes recycled water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.10 – other urban water assets

Physical and non-physical urban water system assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.2 – wastewater system

Water in the wastewater system, including in the collection network and treatment lagoons and ponds, pipes, tanks, pits, sumps and storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.3 – recycled water system

Treated effluent water from wastewater treatment plants or sewer mining operations fit for recycled use and contained in the recycled water system, including pipes, tanks and storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.4 – urban inter-region claim on water

Claims to water outside the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.5 – urban claim on traded water

Claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the urban water system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.6 – urban claim on desalinated water

Claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the urban water system. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 1.7 – claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.7 – urban claim on surface water

Claim to surface water within the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes volume of surface water allocation remaining held by the region's urban utilities.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.8 – urban claim on groundwater

Claim to groundwater within the region on behalf of the urban water system. It includes volume of groundwater allocation remaining held by the region's urban utilities.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 3.9 – other urban claims on water

Claims to water on behalf of the urban water system other than those included elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.1 – precipitation on off-channel water store

All forms in which water falls on the region's off-channel water store as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. It includes precipitation on off-channel water storages and collected into rainwater tanks. It excludes precipitation on the region's landscape, surface water, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.2 – groundwater discharge into off-channel water store

Discharge of water from the region's groundwater into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.3 – runoff harvesting into off-channel water store

Runoff water harvested into off-channel water storages.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.4 – surface water diversion into off-channel water store

Surface water diverted into off-channel water storages under water access entitlements or other statutory water rights. This definition includes surface water allocations diverted into farm dams for the purpose of storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.5 – groundwater extraction into off-channel water store

Groundwater diverted into off-channel water storages under water access entitlements or other statutory water rights. This definition includes surface water allocations diverted into farm dams for the purpose of storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 30.6 – other off-channel water increases

Increases in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 31.1 – evaporation from off-channel water storages

Movement of water from the region's off-channel water store to the atmosphere (water vapour). It excludes evaporation from the region's landscape water, surface water, groundwater, urban water system and irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 31.2 – leakages from off-channel water storages

Leakage from off-channel water storages into the region's groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 31.3 – Off-channel water abstraction

Abstraction of water from the off-channel water store for use.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 31.4 – other off-channel water decreases

Decreases in off-channel water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 32.1 – other statutory surface water rights

Water rights granted by a jurisdiction on the surface water resource, external to an entitlement system. These rights may be granted under a State Water Act or a water plan. They include land owner basic rights, riparian rights and non-entitled water rights for stock and domestic and mining purposes. In the National Water Account, no commitment to deliver water (water liability) is recognised for these water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 32.2 – surface water access entitlement for non-allocated diversions

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the surface water resource, for which no allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include unregulated entitlement on issue in unregulated systems and in regulated systems. Unregulated flows accessed outside the normal allocation process in regulated systems are referred to as supplementary water in New South Wales.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 32.3 – surface water access entitlement for allocated diversions

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the surface water resource, for which an allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include regulated entitlement.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 32.4 – other surface water rights

Surface water rights other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 33.1 – other statutory groundwater rights

Water rights granted by a jurisdiction on the groundwater resource, external to an entitlement system. These rights may be granted under a State Water Act or a water plan. They include land owner basic rights and non-entitled water rights for stock and domestic and mining purposes. In the National Water Account, no commitment to deliver water (water liability) is recognised for these water rights.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 33.2 – groundwater access entitlement for non-allocated extractions

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the groundwater resource for which no allocation (water liability) has been recognised.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 33.3 – groundwater access entitlement for allocated extractions

Water access entitlements on issue granted on the groundwater resource, for which an allocation (water liability) has been recognised. They include regulated entitlement. They include entitlements for which the entitled volume has been recognised as a water liability, although there was no formal allocation announcement.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 33.4 – other groundwater rights

Groundwater rights other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 34.1 – combined surface water and groundwater rights

Water access entitlements on issue that grant access to either surface water or groundwater.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 35.1 – trade of surface water entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 35.2 – trade of surface water entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's geographic boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 35.3 – trade of surface water entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's geographic boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 36.1 – lease of surface water entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 36.2 – lease of surface water entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 36.3 – lease of surface water entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a surface water access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 37.1 – surface water allocation trade within region

Transfer of surface water allocation between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 37.2 – surface water allocation trade into region

Transfer of surface water allocation from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 37.3 – surface water allocation trade out of region

Transfer of surface water allocation from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 38.1 – trade of groundwater entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 38.2 – trade of groundwater entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 38.3 – trade of groundwater entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer perpetually a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without a change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 39.1 – lease of groundwater entitlement within region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 39.2 – lease of groundwater entitlement into region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 39.3 – lease of groundwater entitlement out of region

Approved transaction to transfer for a specified term a groundwater access entitlement from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.1 – irrigation water supply system

Water in the irrigation water supply and collection system, including pipes, artificial channels and tanks. It includes water in off-channel water storages that has already been abstracted by the region's irrigation scheme, including dead storage capacity. It excludes water in private channels and storages, already abstracted from the scheme by individual irrigators.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.2 – irrigation scheme inter-region claim on water

Claims to water outside the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes claims resulting from:

allocations announced under entitlements to access a water resource located outside the region

• other agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.3 – irrigation scheme claim on traded water

Claim to water resulting from water traded into the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.4 – irrigation scheme claim on desalinated water

Claim to desalinated sea water on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It excludes claims on behalf of the surface water, which are reported in line item 1.7 – claim on desalinated water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.5 – irrigation scheme claim on surface water

Claim to surface water within the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes volume of surface water allocation remaining held by the region's irrigation entities.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.6 – irrigation scheme claim on groundwater

Claim to groundwater within the region on behalf of the irrigation scheme. It includes volume of groundwater allocation remaining held by the region's irrigation entities.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.7 – other irrigation scheme claims on water

Claims to water on behalf of the irrigation scheme other than those included elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 4.8 – other irrigation scheme water assets

Physical and non-physical irrigation scheme water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 40.1 – groundwater allocation trade within region

Transfer of groundwater allocation between legal entities located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 40.2 – groundwater allocation trade into region

Transfer of groundwater allocation from a legal entity located outside the region's boundary to a legal entity located within the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 40.3 – groundwater allocation trade out of region

Transfer of groundwater allocation from a legal entity located within the region's boundary to a legal entity located outside the region's boundary, with or without change in location of the abstraction point.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 41.1 – precipitation on storages

All forms in which water falls on the region's water storages as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 41.2 – groundwater discharge into storages

Groundwater discharge to the region's water storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 41.3 – runoff into storages

Water that rans off into the region's water storages. It includes river flow into the water storages and runoff flowing directly from the landscape into the storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 41.4 – transfer of water into storages

Water transferred via infrastructure into the water storages under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 41.5 – other storage increases

Inflows into water storages other than those defined elsewhere. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.1 – evaporation from storages

Movement of water from the region's water storages to the atmosphere (water vapour). The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.2 – groundwater recharge from storages

Infiltration from the water storages to the region's groundwater. It includes the deliberate recharge of groundwater from water storages. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.3 – leakage from storages

Leakage from the water storages to the soil. It excludes recharge to groundwater. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.4 – spillage from storages

Overflow from water storages via spillway and leakage through a dams' wall into downstream river. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.5 – releases from storages

Releases from water storages into a downstream river under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. It includes releases to provide environmental benefit and responses to calls on announced allocation. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.6 – diversions from storages

Diversions via infrastructure from water storages under any type of water access entitlement or other arrangement. It includes diversions within the region and out of the region. It excludes releases to a downstream river. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 42.7 – other storage decreases

Outflows from water storages other than those defined elsewhere. The value can include all or part of the water storages reported under line item 1.1 – storage.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.1 – surface water allocation remaining

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 5.3 – surface water allocation remaining – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.2 – surface water allocation remaining – urban water system

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for: • allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.3 – surface water allocation remaining – irrigation scheme

Surface water allocation remaining on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 5.1 – surface water allocation remaining).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.4 – inter-region commitment on surface water

Commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water outside the region. It includes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region. Such commitment is reported as line item 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.5 – commitment on water traded out of the region

Commitment on the region's surface water to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 5.6 – other surface water liability

Surface water liability other than those defined elsewhere. It does not include rules-based obligation, such as a commitment to ensure minimum passing flows to a downstream region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.1 – groundwater allocation remaining

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf of users other than the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• private users and irrigation schemes where those are not identified as a water asset of the water accounting region

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

It excludes allocations remaining for:

• irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region (reported in line item 6.3 – groundwater allocation remaining – irrigation scheme).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.2 – groundwater allocation remaining – urban water system

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf the urban water system. It includes allocations remaining for:

• allocation holders located outside the region's boundary.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.3 – groundwater allocation remaining – irrigation scheme

Groundwater allocation remaining on behalf of irrigation schemes where those are identified as a water asset of the water accounting region. It excludes allocations remaining for:

irrigation scheme where those are considered as users not part of the water assets of the water accounting region (reported in line item 6.1 – groundwater allocation remaining).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.4 – inter–region commitment on groundwater

Commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water outside the region. It includes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes commitments resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded out of the region

• water allocated in the region that is subsequently transferred out of the region. Such commitment is reported as line item 6.1- groundwater allocation remaining, 6.2–groundwater allocation remaining–urban water system or 6.3–groundwater allocation remaining–irrigation scheme.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.5 – commitment on traded out groundwater

Commitment on the region's groundwater to deliver water to another region as a result of trade between both regions.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 6.6 – other groundwater liability

Groundwater liability other than those defined elsewhere. It does not include rules-based obligation, such as a commitment to maintain groundwater at a certain level.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 7.1 – urban system commitment to provide water

Commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's urban water system to deliver water to urban water users or to other urban water systems outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and irrigation scheme where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 7.2 – other urban water liability

Urban water system liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 8.1 – irrigation scheme commitment to provide water

Commitment, including result of water trade, on the region's irrigation scheme to deliver water to users or to other irrigation schemes outside the region. It excludes commitments in favour of the surface water, groundwater and urban water system where those have been identified as water assets of the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 8.2 – other irrigation scheme liability

Irrigation scheme liability other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.1 – precipitation on surface water

All forms in which water falls on the region's surface water as rain, sleet, snow, hail, or drizzle.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.10 – direct discharge by user

Discharge of water by a user to the region's surface water done directly and not through the urban or irrigation collection systems. It includes discharge of water that has been self-abstracted or delivered through an urban or irrigation water supply system.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.11 – Delivery of water under inter – region agreement to surface water

Delivery of imported water to the region's surface water to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the surface water. The prior claim may be an inter-basin agreement or an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region, but excludes water trade (see line item 9.12 – delivery of traded water to surface water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.12 – delivery of traded water to surface water

Delivery of water into the region's surface water to service a prior claim resulting from water traded into the region (see line item 9.16 – increase of claim on water traded into the region).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.13 – delivery of claimed desalinated water to surface water

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's surface water to service a prior claim recognised on behalf of the surface water. It excludes delivery of desalinated sea water where no prior claim has been recognised (see line item 9.8 – delivery of desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.14 – other delivery of water to surface water

Delivery of water to the region's surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.15 – increase of inter-region surface water claim on water

Increase of claims to water outside the region on behalf of the surface water. It includes claims resulting from:

• an announced allocation held on a water resource located outside the region

• inter-government agreements at allocation (retail) level.

It excludes claims resulting from:

• inter-government agreements to share water before it is allocated

• water traded into the region

• contract to deliver desalinated sea water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.16 – increase of surface water claim on water traded into the region

Increase of claim held on behalf of the surface water resulting from water traded into the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.17 – increase of surface water claim on desalinated water

Increase of claim to desalinated sea water held on behalf of the surface water. It excludes increase of claim held on behalf of the urban water system (see line item 11.17 – increase of urban claim on desalinated water).

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.18 – increase of other surface water claims on water

Increase of claim held on behalf of the region's surface water other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.19 – other surface water increases

Increases of physical and non-physical surface water assets other than those defined elsewhere.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.2 – river inflow to region

River inflow that enters the region.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.3 – groundwater discharge

Groundwater discharge to the region's surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.4 – runoff to surface water

Runoff from landscape to the region's surface water due to rainfall or irrigation.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.5 – point return from irrigation scheme

Point discharge from irrigation scheme to the region's surface water. It includes overflows from irrigation scheme water supply channels and discharge of used irrigation water from irrigation scheme collection systems.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.6 – overbank flood return to river channel

Return of flood waters from the flood plains. It excludes flood waters returning from seasonally connected wetlands and other surface water bodies.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.7 – delivery of water from outside region

Delivery of imported water to the region's surface water where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.8 – delivery of desalinated water

Delivery of desalinated sea water to the region's surface water where no prior claim has been recognised on behalf of the surface water.

This definition applies to:

account 2012-2017 line item 9.9 – discharge from urban water system

Discharge from urban water systems to the region's surface water. It includes discharge of non-potable, potable, treated wastewater and recycled water. It includes pump back or transfer back of water to surface water for the purpose of storage and releases to meet environmental requirements. It excludes pump back or transfer of water to off-channel water storages considered part of the urban water system (see line item 3.1 – urban water supply system).

This definition applies to:


Includes but is not limited to, responsibilities under legislation, regulations or operational plans. It also means the responsibility to provide information that enable users to make informed judgements about the management of water resources.

This definition applies to:

accrual basis of water accounting

Recording and reporting the effects of transactions, transformations and other events when the decision or commitments that give rise to them occur. This may not necessarily be the time at which water is physically transacted, transferred or transformed. Accrual water accounting ensures that transactions, transformations and other events are recorded in and reported in the reporting periods to which they relate.

This definition applies to:

acoustic Doppler current meter

A point velocity meter that uses two acoustic transducers, each acting as transmitters and receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:

acoustic Doppler current profiler

A family of acoustic based instrumentation used to measure water velocities and water depths during a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:

acoustic Doppler velocimeter

A point velocity meter that uses a single acoustic transducer as a transmitter and separate dedicated transducers as receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:

acoustic Doppler velocity meter

A family of acoustic based instrumentation used for continuous in-situ measurement of water velocities.

This definition applies to:


Australian Capital Territory

This definition applies to:


acoustic Doppler current meter

A point velocity meter that uses two acoustic transducers, each acting as transmitters and receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:


acoustic Doppler current profiler

A family of acoustic based instrumentation used to measure water velocities and water depths during a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:

adjusting event after the reporting period

An event that occurs between the end of the reporting period and the date when the Accountability Statement is signed that provides evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period.

This definition applies to:

adjustment and forfeiture of allocation

Adjustments made to allocation carryover. For example, amounts written off as a result of the operation of rules or upon agreement between the allocation owner and the body responsible for managing water in the region.

This definition applies to:

adopted middle thread distance

The distance in kilometres, measured along the middle of a watercourse that a specific point in the watercourse is from the watercourse’s mouth or junction with the main watercourse.

This definition applies to:


acoustic Doppler velocimeter

A point velocity meter that uses a single acoustic transducer as a transmitter and separate dedicated transducers as receivers for the purpose of water velocity measurement, when undertaking a discrete discharge measurement (gauging).

This definition applies to:


acoustic Doppler velocity meter

A family of acoustic based instrumentation used for continuous in-situ measurement of water velocities.

This definition applies to:


annual exceedance probability

The probability that a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration will be exceeded in any one year.

Related: average recurrence interval

aggregated volume

The sum of volumes held in water storages that are within a region or associated with a city or system. Each water storage can contribute up to its accessible storage capacity to the aggregated volume. In some cases only a portion of the water in a storage is shared with a city or system.

Related FAQ

Synonym: volume

This definition applies to:


Australian Height Datum

The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Mean sea level was determined from observations recorded by 30 tide gauges around the coast of the Australian continent for the period 1966–1968.

See Geoscience Australia for further information.

This definition applies to:


Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric)

Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0

Related: Geofabric

This definition applies to:


Australian Integrated Forecast System

This definition applies to:


There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

The specific volume of water allocated to water access entitlements in a given water year or allocated as specified within a water resource plan.

Synonym: water allocation

This definition applies to:

Context 2

The specific volume of water allocated to water access entitlements in a given season, given accounting period, defined according to rules established in the relevant water plan.

This definition applies to:

allocation announcement

There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

Announcement of water allocations arising due to seasonal determinations of surface water to be available under water access entitlements.

This definition applies to:

Context 2

Announcement of water allocations arising due to seasonal determinations of water to be available under water access entitlements.

This definition applies to:

allocation carryover

There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

Water allocated during the water year of an entitlement that is yet to be accessed, taken or delivered at the end of the water year and is able to be carried over to the next water year. Where the water year coincides with the National Water Account reporting period allocation carryover equates to allocation remaining.

Related: allocation remaining

This definition applies to:

Context 2

Water allocated during the water year of an entitlement that is yet to be accessed, abstracted or delivered at the end of the water year and is able to be carried over to the next water year.

In the Bureau the National Water Account, where the water year coincides with its reporting period allocation carryover equates to allocation remaining.

Related: allocation remaining

This definition applies to:

allocation diversion

There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

The volume of surface water outflows delivered or otherwise taken to settle allocation or claim liabilities. When used as a high level term can also include the volume of groundwater abstracted to settle allocation liabilities.

This definition applies to:

Context 2

The volume of surface water abstracted to settle an allocation or other claim on the surface water.

This definition applies to:

allocation extraction

The volume of groundwater abstracted to settle an allocation or other claim on the groundwater.

This definition applies to:

allocation remaining

There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

Water allocated in a reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that is yet to be accessed, taken or delivered at the end of the reporting period and is not forfeited. Where the National Water Account reporting period coincides with the entitlement’s water year, allocation remaining equates to allocation carryover.

Related: allocation carryover

This definition applies to:

Context 2

Water allocated in a reporting period (or remaining from the previous reporting period) that is yet to be accessed, abstracted or delivered at the end of the reporting period and is not forfeited. Where the National Water Account reporting period coincides with the entitlement’s water year, allocation remaining equates to allocation carryover.

Related: allocation carryover

This definition applies to:

allocation volume

The specific volume of water allocated to water access entitlements.

This definition applies to:


Relating to a deposit of sand, mud, etc., formed by flowing water.

Source: © Macquarie Dictionary Fifth Edition, 2009, Macquarie Dictionary Publishers.

This definition applies to:

alluvial plain

The plain or flat land area adjacent to a stream or river (or the prior course of a stream or river) composed of unconsolidated sedimentary deposits (alluvium) subject to periodic inundation by the stream (either now or in the past).

Related: floodplain

This definition applies to:

alluvial valley

A valley filled with alluvial stream deposits.

Source: © McGraw-Hill,1994, Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Editor: Parker, SP, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York.

This definition applies to:


Loose, unconsolidated (not cemented together into a solid rock), soil or sediments (from sands to large boulders), eroded, deposited and reshaped by water in some form in a non-marine setting.

This definition applies to:


Adopted Middle Thread Distance

This definition applies to:


Australian National Committee on Large Dams

This definition applies to:

announced allocation

A number, expressed as a percentage, which is used to determine the maximum volume of water that may be accessed in a water year.

This definition applies to:

annual exceedance probability

The probability that a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration will be exceeded in any one year.

Related: average recurrence interval

This definition applies to:


The deviation of a measurable unit, (e.g, temperature or precipitation) from the long-term average in a given region over a specified period.

This definition applies to:

antecedent soil moisture

Water present in the soil prior to a rainfall event

Related: soil moisture

This definition applies to:


Australian National University

Related: ANUDEM

This definition applies to:


A computer program developed by the ANU for processing data into a digital elevation model.

Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0

Related: ANU

This definition applies to:

ANUDEM Streams

Topologically connected flow direction streamlines developed by ANU using ANUDEM.

Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0


This definition applies to:


Australia New Zealand Land Information Council

This definition applies to:

aquatic GDE

A GDE which uses groundwater after it has been discharged to the surface. This includes all groundwater-fed surface water bodies, such as rivers, wetlands, lakes and springs.

This definition refers only to the aquatic (inundated) component of a system, and therefore excludes any vegetation which may fringe a surface water body.

Source: Eamus, D., Froend, R., Loomes, R., Hose, G., Murray, B., (2006). A functional methodology for determining the groundwater regime needed to maintain the health of groundwater-dependent vegetation, Australian Journal of Botany, 2006, 54, 97–114, 2006.

This definition applies to:


A software development company based in the United States that builds ArcHydro for groundwater tools.

Related: ArcHydro for groundwater

This definition applies to:


There are multiple contexts for this item

Context 1

A geological formation, group of formations or part of a formation; able to receive, store and transmit significant quantities of water.

This definition applies to:

Context 2

An underground layer of saturated rock, sand or gravel that absorbs water and allows it to pass freely through pore spaces.

Source: Modified from Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (2000)

This definition applies to:


A geological formation that may contain groundwater but is not capable of transmitting significant quantities of it under normal hydraulic gradients. May function as a confining bed.

This definition applies to:


A range of software programs developed by ESRI for spatial data analysis, processing and storage.

Related: Geographic Information System

This definition applies to:


A data model and tools published by ESRI for analysis of hydrological data.

This definition applies to:

ArcHydro for groundwater

A data model published by ESRI and tools developed by Aquaveo for analysis of hydrogeological data.

Related: Aquaveo

This definition applies to:


average recurrence interval

The average or expected value of the periods between exceedances of a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration. It is implicit in this definition that the periods between exceedances are generally random.


autoregressive moving average

A combined process of statistical time series analysis in terms of two polynomials, one for the auto-regression and the second for the moving-average.

This definition applies to:


Australian rainfall and runoff

This definition applies to:

artesian basin

A geological structural feature or combination of such features in which water is confined under pressure.

Source: © Macquarie Dictionary Fifth Edition, 2009, Macquarie Dictionary Publishers

This definition applies to:

artificial control

A hydraulic structure (e.g. weir, flume or gate) installed in an open channel where in most cases the discharge can be derived from the measured upstream water level.

Note: The structure is an artificial reduction of the cross-sectional area in the channel, where part of the upstream total head is converted into kinetic energy used to obtain critical streamflow.

This definition applies to:


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A character-encoding that represents text in computers.

This definition applies to:


Australian Soil Resource Information System

This definition applies to:


To provide independent attestation that the reports have been prepared in accordance with approved water accounting standards and other approved pronouncements governing the content of the reports and are consistent with the concepts in the Water Accounting Conceptual Framework. Assurance reduces the risk that the information provided is incorrect.

This definition applies to:


A physical feature that is the mixture of gases surrounding the planet.

Source: Bureau glossary

This definition applies to:


Flow directed and topological connected surface hydrology data derived from Geoscience Australia GEODATA series.

Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0


This definition applies to:

Australian height datum

The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Mean sea level was determined from observations recorded by 30 tide gauges around the coast of the Australian continent for the period 1966–1968.

See Geoscience Australia for further information.

This definition applies to:

Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric

The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) is a specialised Geographic Information System (GIS). It identifies and registers the spatial relationships between important hydrological features such as watercourses, water bodies, canals, aquifers, monitoring points and catchments.

Source: Geofabric website


This definition applies to:

Australian water access entitlement

A perpetual or ongoing entitlement, by or under a law of a State, to exclusive access to a share of the water resources of a water resource plan area or other water management area.

Source: Water Regulations 2008 Schedule 3 Part 1. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation

This definition applies to:

Australian water allocation

The specific volume of water allocated to an Australian water access entitlement in a given water accounting period.

Source: Water Regulations 2008 Schedule 3 Part 1. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation

This definition applies to:

Australian Water Availability Project

An operational data assimilation and modelling project that monitors the state and trend of the Australian terrestrial water balance at a resolution of 5 km. Using both measurements and modelling, the past history and present state of soil moisture are determined. The water fluxes that contribute to changes in soil moisture are incorporated in this project. These water fluxes include rainfall, transpiration, soil evaporation, surface runoff and deep drainage.

Source: Australian Water Availability Project

This definition applies to:

Australian Water Resources Council

Established in 1962, the Australian Water Resources Council (AWRC) was set up by the Commonwealth and Sate Governments as a non-statutory body. The council existed into the 1980s.

Source: National Library of Australia

This definition applies to:

autocorrelation function

Describes the correlation between values of that process as a function of the time separation between them.

This definition applies to:

autoregressive moving average

A combined process of statistical time series analysis in terms of two polynomials, one for the auto-regression and the second for the moving-average.

This definition applies to:

available water

Water potentially available for consumptive or environmental use.

This definition applies to:

average recurrence interval

The average or expected value of the periods between exceedances of a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration. It is implicit in this definition that the periods between exceedances are generally random.

Related: annual exceedance probability

This definition applies to:


Australian water availability project

An operational data assimilation and modelling project that monitors the state and trend of the Australian terrestrial water balance at a resolution of 5 km. Using both measurements and modelling, the past history and present state of soil moisture are determined. The water fluxes that contribute to changes in soil moisture are incorporated in this project. These water fluxes include rainfall, transpiration, soil evaporation, surface runoff and deep drainage.

Source: Australian Water Availability Project

This definition applies to:


Australian Water Resources Assessment

This definition applies to:


A part of the AWRA Modelling System developed by CSIRO under the WIRADA alliance with the Bureau that represents landscape water balance.

This definition applies to:


Australian Water Resources Council

This definition applies to:


Australian Water Resources Information System

This definition applies to: