Australian Water Information Dictionary
Alphabetical list of items
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z other
Interim Aquifer Framework
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- ID
inflow dependence
This definition applies to:
Inflow Dependent Ecosystem
This definition applies to:
This definition applies to:
Interim Groundwater Data
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
irrigation infrastructure operator
An entity that operates water service infrastructure for the purposes of delivering water for the primary purpose of it being used for irrigation.
Source: Adapted from the Water Act 2007 Part 1 Section 7, at 8 Febraury 2019. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
This definition applies to:
- implementation model
A platform specific model that references the conceptual model. In the case of the Geofabric the implementation is in ArcGIS.
This definition applies to:
- index velocity rating
The computation of discharge using measured water velocities that are an index or predictor of the mean channel velocity.
Note: More than one variable may be used in the creation of a rating if this would improve the accuracy of the overall rating.
This definition applies to:
- Indian Ocean Dipole
A major contributor to rainfall variability over Australia. When the dipole is in a positive phase, the sea-surface temperature (SST) around Indonesia is cooler than average while those in the western Indian Ocean are warmer than average. The positive phase increases easterly winds across the Indian Ocean, while convection in areas near Australia reduces. This results in suppressed rainfall over the Australian region. During a negative phase, warmer than average SST near Indonesia and cooler than average SST in the western Indian Ocean, result in more westerly winds across the Indian Ocean, greater convection near Australia and enhanced rainfall in the Australian region. See the Weather and Climate page on Indian Ocean for more information.
This definition applies to:
- infiltration
The process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
This definition applies to:
- inflow dependence
Describes a landscape within the GDE Atlas that is wetter than surrounding areas either seasonally or permanently, because it receives water from inflows in addition to rainfall. IDs include groundwater dependent ecosystems as well as ecosystems which use sources of water other than rainfall (e.g. surface water, soil water, irrigation).
The layer that shows IDs is derived from the remote sensing layer, in which only pixels that have inflow dependence likelihoods of between 6 and 10 are included. The pixels are a combination of MODIS and Landsat data and are at a resolution of 25m2.
This definition applies to:
- inflow dependence likelihood
Describes the likelihood that a landscape is accessing a source of water in addition to rainfall (that it is inflow dependent). It is expressed in the ID layer as a value between 6 (low) and 10 (high), where 10 indicates a landscape that is most likely to be accessing additional water sources. A likelihood value of 6 indicates a landscape that is marginally more likely to be accessing an additional source of water than relying solely on rainfall. A value of less than 6 represents a landscape that is more likely to rely solely on rainfall and is therefore not considered inflow dependent.
This definition applies to:
- inflow dependent ecosystem
Describes ecosystems that are likely to be using another source of water in addition to rainfall. IDEs include groundwater dependent ecosystems as well as ecosystems which use sources of water other than rainfall (e.g. surface water, soil water, irrigation).
IDEs are effectively the ID pixels assigned onto a previously mapped ecosystem polygon. The pixel ID likelihood value was assigned to each ecosystem polygon using a majority rules approach. This means that the ID likelihood value which occurred most often within the ecosystem polygon, was the likelihood value assigned to the polygon overall.
This definition applies to:
- inflow from the sea
The movement of seawater into a coastal aquifer often as a result of groundwater extraction. Also known as seawater intrusion.
This definition applies to:
- inflowing watercourses
The rivers and streams that flow into a water storage. If a water storage is not located on a watercourse it is referred to as being off stream.
This definition applies to:
- inflows
Surface water runoff and deep drainage to groundwater (groundwater recharge) and transfers into the water system (both surface and groundwater), for a defined area.
This definition applies to:
- inter-basin transfer
The bulk transfer of water from one river basin into another.
Related: transfer
This definition applies to:
- inter-bedded
Beds (layers) of rock lying between or alternating with beds of a different kind of rock.
This definition applies to:
- interim aquifer framework
A two tiered system of geological units aggregated to aquifers (and sometimes aquitards) of similar hydrogeological characteristics. When available, it will be replaced by the National Groundwater Information System.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- interim groundwater data
Digital groundwater boundaries obtained from the best available digital groundwater data sourced from both Commonwealth and State and Territory jurisdictions as part of the IGWD project. When available, it will be replaced by the National Groundwater Information System.
Source: Geofabric Product Guide V2.0
This definition applies to:
- internal trade
A transaction to transfer a water right from one legal entity to another within a specified area. The area can be a trading zone, irrigation district or water resource plan area as defined in respective State and Territory legislation.
This definition applies to:
- interquartile range (IQR)
A measure of statistical dispersion, being equal to the difference between the third and first quartiles. Also called the midspread or middle 50.
This definition applies to:
- interstate trade
A transaction to transfer a water right from one legal entity to another in a different State or Territory.
This definition applies to:
- intrastate trade
A transaction to transfer a water right from one legal entity to another within the same State or Territory.
This definition applies to:
Indian Ocean Dipole
A major contributor to rainfall variability over Australia. When the dipole is in a positive phase, the sea-surface temperature (SST) around Indonesia is cooler than average while those in the western Indian Ocean are warmer than average. The positive phase increases easterly winds across the Indian Ocean, while convection in areas near Australia reduces. This results in suppressed rainfall over the Australian region. During a negative phase, warmer than average SST near Indonesia and cooler than average SST in the western Indian Ocean, result in more westerly winds across the Indian Ocean, greater convection near Australia and enhanced rainfall in the Australian region. See the Weather and Climate page on Indian Ocean for more information.
This definition applies to:
interquartile range
A measure of statistical dispersion, being equal to the difference between the third and first quartiles. Also called the midspread or middle 50.
- irradiance
The measure of the rate of electromagnetic energy received per unit area.
Source: Water Regulations 2008 Schedule 3 Part 1. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
This definition applies to:
- irrigated crops
Crops including cereals, oil seeds, sugar, cotton and legumes supplied with water artificially.
This definition applies to:
- irrigated horticulture
Fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants supplied with water artificially.
This definition applies to:
- irrigated pasture
Pastures supplied with water artificially, including modified pasture, exotic pasture, native pasture, woody fodder plants, pasture legumes and sown grasses.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation distribution system
The irrigation distribution system is constituted by the irrigation delivery system only, which receives water that has been abstracted from the different water sources in the region or that has been transferred from outside the region, before delivery to the irrigation paddocks.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation infrastructure operator
An entity that operates water service infrastructure for the purposes of delivering water for the primary purpose of it being used for irrigation.
Source: Adapted from the Water Act 2007 Part 1 Section 7, at 8 Febraury 2019. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
Synonym: IIO
This definition applies to:
- irrigation network
The water service infrastructure for delivering water for the primary purpose of being used for irrigation.
Source: Derived from the Water Act 2007 Part 1 Section 7, at 8 Febraury 2019. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
Equivalent: Irrigation water scheme
This definition applies to:
- irrigation returns
The portion of irrigation water that, after delivery, is not consumed and is returned into the surface water or groundwater system.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation right
There are multiple contexts for this item
Context 1
A right that: (a) a person has against an irrigation infrastructure operator to receive water and (b) is not a water access right or a water delivery right.
Source: Water Act 2007 Part 1 Section 4, at 8 Febraury 2019. For the latest information on Australian Government law please go to Federal Register of Legislation
This definition applies to:
Context 2
A right issued by an irrigation entity and granted from the entity’s bulk water access entitlement.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme
Infrastructure managed by an irrigation entity to service individual irrigators.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme decreases
Outflows from the region's irrigation system due to natural processes or delivery of water and decrease of claims to water held on behalf of the region's irrigation scheme.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme increases
Inflows into the region's irrigation scheme or increase of claims to water that may result in inflows into the region's irrigation scheme.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme liability
Water liability relating to the irrigation scheme.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme liability decreases
Decreases in the region's irrigation scheme liability. It includes adjustment or forfeiture of the obligation to deliver water from the irrigation scheme. It excludes actual delivery of water.
This definition applies to:
- irrigation scheme liability increases
Increases in the region's irrigation scheme water liability. It includes all recognised commitments to deliver water from the region's irrigation scheme.
This definition applies to:
- Irrigation water scheme
The water service infrastructure for delivering water for the primary purpose of being used for irrigation.
Equivalent: irrigation network
This definition applies to:
International Organization for Standardization
An international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organisations.
This definition applies to:
index velocity rating
The computation of discharge using measured water velocities that are an index or predictor of the mean channel velocity.
Note: More than one variable may be used in the creation of a rating if this would improve the accuracy of the overall rating.
This definition applies to: