A guide to using the Generalised Southeast Australia Method

GSAM cd cover picture

Bibliographic Reference:

Bureau of Meteorology. (2006) Guidebook of the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Southeast Australia Method, included on the compact disc 'Guide to the Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation: Generalised Southeast Australia Method', Hydrometeorological Advisory Service, Bureau of Meteorology, October 2006.

This compact disc gives a guide to using the Generalised Southeast Australia Method [GSAM] of estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation in those regions of Australia where tropical storms are not the source of the greatest depths of rainfall, and where topographic influences vary markedly.

The method of estimating PMP used on the CD is not new; it is the same one completed in 1992 and incorporates the 2001 moisture factor update. The only change is that users can now derive the estimates for themselves.

The CD contains a guidebook and all necessary files for the user to apply the method to a catchment. Worked examples, a description of the development of the method [HRS4] and a catalogue of the storms used [HRS3] are also provided.

The main target users of the CD are envisaged to be hydrologists and engineers involved in the design of large dams and the assessment of the hydrologic risk of existing large dams in the GSAM region of Australia.



Hydrometeorological Advisory Service,
Bureau of Meteorology,
GPO Box 1289,
Melbourne, Australia 3001,
Standard charges apply.

Changes and Corrections

Despite careful preparation, this guide may contain typographical or other errors that affect the use of the procedures and/or the numerical values obtained. Users are encouraged to report suspected errors to the Hydrometeorological Advisory Service of the Bureau of Meteorology by email on webhas@bom.gov.au.

Once confirmed, errors will be noted and, where circumstances allow, corrected.

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