Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Pioneer Bay

Agency name:
Westernport Water Corporation
Area web address:
Area description:

This is the description for the Pioneer Bay area managed and maintained by Westernport Water.

Current Restriction

Restriction name:
Restriction type:
Start date:
End date:
Restriction web address:
Description summary:

Permanent Water Saving Rules

1. Handheld hoses must be fitted with a trigger nozzle and can then be used to wash cars and water gardens and lawns at any time.

2. Manual watering systems allowed between 7pm and 10pm

3. Automatic watering systems allowed between 10pm and 10am

4. NO hosing of paved areas except in specified circumstances.

5. Before filling new pools / spas with a capacity of 2,000 litres or more, a Water Conservation Plan must be lodged with, and approved by, Westernport Water.

6. Non-residential customers who use more than 10 megalitres per annum of drinking water are required to develop a water management action plan (waterMAP).