Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Agency name:
Essential Water
Area web address:
Area description:

Menindee township

Current Restriction

Restriction name:
Level 1
Restriction type:
Start date:
End date:
Restriction web address:
Description summary:

Essential Water gives notice that, from Thursday 27 June

2019, Level 1 water restrictions, as set out below, will take

effect in Broken Hill, Silverton and Sunset Strip.

This is a notice of restriction on use of water under Regulation 136

of the Water Management (General) Regulation 2011 (NSW).

Under Level 1 water restrictions:

* Watering of private gardens is permitted only with:

An automatic watering system between 7pm and 10am; or

A manual watering system between 4pm and 10am.

* Watering of private lawns is permitted only with:

An automatic watering system between 7pm and 10am; or

A manual watering system between 4pm and 10am.

* Private vehicles may be cleaned:

By a commercial car wash; or

By means of a bucket or watering can filled directly from a

tap (and not by means of a hose); or

By means of a trigger hose, used only for the purpose of

wetting, and rinsing a vehicle after it has been washed; or

To clean inside a tank of a tanker vehicle by means of a

trigger hose, where such cleaning is necessary either to avoid

contamination of the tanker’s contents or to ensure public safety.

* Paved areas: may be cleaned by means of a trigger hose, only if

necessary as a result of an accident, fire, to ensure the health

and welfare of animals using the area, or other emergency,

unless prior written approval is granted by Essential Water.

* Windows and building facades may be cleaned: by a bucket or

watering can filled directly from a tap (and not by means of a

hose) unless it is necessary to do so as a result of an accident,

fire, or other emergency.

* Construction activities: water must not be used, except by

means of a trigger hose.

* Swimming pool or spa which:

Has previously been filled – must not be emptied and refilled,

it may only be topped up or maintained with water from a

hand-held hose, bucket or watering can; or

Has not previously been filled – must not be filled without

Essential Water’s prior written authority.

* Private and public gardens: filling or topping up ponds and lakes:

An empty pond or lake must not be filled without Essential

Water’s prior written approval; or

The level of water in a pond or lake that has previously been

filled with water may only be topped up or maintained with

water from a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can.

Please note: If water restriction levels change, exemptions cease

immediately and exemption applications must be submitted again.

To apply for an exemption or for more information call 13 23 91

or visit http://www.essentialwater.com.au/content/water-restrictions