Water Restrictions
The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.
Clarence Valley Council
The restriction area is all parts of Clarence Valley Council on town water supplied from the Nymboida River. This includes the towns of Grafton, Maclean, Ulmarra and Yamba and the villages and localities of Angourie, Ashby, Brooms Head, Brushgrove, Chatsworth, Copmanhurst, Coutts Crossing, Cowper, Eatonsville, Gulmarrad, Harwood, Illarwill, Iluka, Junction Hill, Koolkhan, Lawrence, Nymboida, Palmers Island, Pillar Valley, Ramornie, Southgate, Swan Creek, Trenayr, Tucabia, Tyndale, Waterview Heights, Wooloweyah, and Woombah.
Current Restriction
Residential Gardens - No fixed hoses and sprinklers between the hours of 9am and 4pm. No restriction on hand held hoses or water efficient micro sprinklers.
Car Washing - No restriction. Do not leave hose running, consider using a trigger nozzle.
Washing of Driveways & Paved Areas - No restriction. Sweeping and other dry methods are encouraged. If a hose is required please use a pressure cleaner.
Swimming Pools - No restriction. Consider a cover to reduce evaporation and minimal topping up.
All Sports Grounds (including public parks & gardens, school grounds), Commercial operations, industry, Nurseries, Orchards etc. - No restriction. Reduce evaporation by avoiding watering in the heat or middle of the day and on windy days.
All other essential water use associated with commercial and industry operations - No restriction. Businesses should follow water-efficient practices and minimise water use, respecting the restrictions that apply to the general community, as outlined above.