Water Restrictions
The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.
South East Water
The South East Water region covers the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne and extends to the edges of Gippsland and the Monrington Peninsual
Current Restriction
Permanent Water Saving Rules
The Victorian Government is committed to reducing demand for water and ensuring the efficient use of water at all times. Permanent Water Saving Rules are a set of common sense rules to ensure we use water efficiently and allow flexibly in when and how we use water.
These rules are in place at all times. When water restrictions are also in place, the more severe of the rules or restrictions apply. Penalties apply to those who don't follow Permanent Water Saving Rules.
A new set of Permanent Water Saving Rules will took effect from 16 December 2011, following variations to each Victorian urban water corporation's Permanent Water Saving Plan. This ensures uniform Permanent Water Saving Rules across Victoria.
The five key Permanent Water Saving Rules are:
Hand-held hose
Water from a hand-held hose must not be used for any purpose (whether or not the use is subject to a permanent water saving rule) at any time unless the hose:
• is fitted with a trigger nozzle; and
• is leak-free.
Residential or commercial gardens and lawns
A residential or commercial garden or lawn cannot be watered except:
• with a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can at any time; or
• by means of a watering system between the hours of 6 pm - 10 am on any day.
Public gardens and lawns and playing surfaces
A public garden or lawn area or a playing surface cannot be watered except:
• with a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can at any time; or
• by means of a watering system fitted with a rain or soil moisture sensor between the hours of 6 pm - 10 am on any day; or
• in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.
Fountains and water features
Water cannot be used in a fountain or a water feature unless the fountain or water feature recirculates the water.
Cleaning of hard surfaces
Water cannot be used to clean hard surfaces (including, driveways, paths, concrete, tiles, timber decking) except:
• where cleaning is required as a result of an accident, fire, health hazard, safety hazard or other emergency; or
• if staining to the surface has developed and then only once a season; or
• in the course of construction or renovation,
and then only by means of:
• a high pressure water cleaning device;
• or if such a device is not available, a hand-held hose or a bucket.
The Permanent Water Saving Rules are uniform across Victoria (Melbourne and regional) and are entailed in each water corporation’s Permanent Water Saving Plan. More information on these can be found on each water corporation's website.
While Permanent Water Saving Rules won't prevent the need for water restrictions during major drought periods, they will help to stop water wastage and encourage all of us to value this precious resource for the long term.