Water Restrictions
The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.
The Permanent Water Saving Plan applies to residents supplied with drinking water.
The rules do not apply to greywater, tank water, bore water or recycled water.
All hand-held hoses must be fitted with trigger nozzles and be free of leaks.
You can water your garden and lawn with a hand-held hose (fitted with a trigger nozzle), watering can, or bucket at any time on any day.
You can also use a watering system 6 pm — 10 am, any day.
A 'watering system' is any automatic or manually operated system of spinklers, drip hoses, weep hoses, etc. Even a simple garden sprinkler connected to a tap is considered a 'watering system'.
Fountains and water features can be used, provided they recirculate water.
You may use water to clean driveways, paths, timber decking, concrete or other hard surfaces, only if required as a result of an accident or fire there is a health or safety hazard if staining has developed (once a year) during construction or renovation. Use a high-pressure water cleaner if available. Otherwise, a hand-held hose or bucket may be used.