Water Restrictions

The Bureau of Meteorology’s Water Restrictions website provides access to current water restrictions information for the whole of Australia. Water restrictions information can be searched by State or Territory, water agency and restriction name. Water restriction names and rules vary throughout Australia due to local requirements.

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Stage 2

Agency name:
East Gippsland Region Water Corporation
Web address:
Description summary:

1. Watering gardens, lawns and playing surfaces

a) Residential, commercial and public lawns, and general playing surfaces, cannot be watered at

any time.

b) Residential, commercial and public garden areas, and particular playing surfaces, cannot be

watered except as required and then only by means of:

 a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can at any time; or

 using a watering system on alternate days*, between 6am and 8am, and between 6pm

and 8pm.

c) Notwithstanding paragraphs a) and b):

 Public gardens and lawns, as well as general and particular playing surfaces, can be

watered as required, but only in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.

2. Using water for aesthetic purposes (ponds, lakes, fountains or water features)

a) Water cannot be used to fill or top up a fountain or water feature at any time.

b) Water cannot be used to fill or top up a new pond or lake, regardless of capacity, at any time.

c) Water cannot be used to fill or top up an existing pond or lake, regardless of capacity, unless

the pond or lake sustains aquatic fauna or bird life, and then only in accordance with an

approved Water Use Plan.

3. Using water in swimming pools and toys

a) Water can only be used to fill a new or existing residential, commercial or public pool or spa

with a capacity of 2,000 litres or less using:

 a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can; or

 an automatic water top up device.

b) Water can only be used to fill a new or existing residential, commercial or public pool or spa

with a capacity greater than 2,000 litres, in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.

c) Water can only be used to top up a new or existing residential, commercial or public pool or

spa of any capacity using:

 a hand-held hose, bucket or watering can on alternate days*, between 6am and 8am, and

between 6pm and 8pm; or

 an automatic water top up device at any time; or

 in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.

d) Water cannot be used to fill or top up a mobile spa, except in accordance with an approved

Water Use Plan obtained by the mobile spa owner.

e) Water cannot be used in, or for the use of, a hose-connected water toy at any time.

4. Storing or transporting water

a) Water cannot be used to fill or top up a dam or tank, except:

 where this water is to be used for:

- fire fighting, stock watering or other public health purposes, and then only to the extent

that it is necessary; or

- for domestic purposes inside a dwelling; or

- for any other use of water permitted by means of a hand-held hose under stage 2

restrictions; or

 in accordance with an approved Water Use Plan.

b) Water cannot be used to fill or top up a water tanker unless:

 East Gippsland Water has granted a mobile water tanker permit to the operator of that

tanker; and

 the tanker is supplying water to be used for:

- fire fighting, stock watering or other public health purposes, and then only to the extent

that it is necessary; or

- for domestic purposes inside a dwelling; or

- for any other use of water permitted by means of a hand-held hose under stage 2


See https://www.egwater.vic.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Water-restrictions-2R.pdf for more details